List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Ross 615
Maximum Salary:$ 684,562.00
Average Salary:$ 137,974.97
Minimum Salary:$ 38,000.04

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 21
Name Title Department FTR GF
Etzion, Hila LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 262,943.27 $ 262,943.27
Siedel, George J PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A Ross School of Business $ 262,300.00 $ 117,767.36
Orhun, Ayse Yesim ASSOC PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 257,500.00 $ 231,750.00
Shwayder, Ariel LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 256,473.00 $ 256,473.00
Jasin, Stefanus PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 255,900.00 $ 219,818.10
Miller, Shane Henry ASST PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 255,400.00 $ 255,400.00
Kumar, Sanjeev LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 255,347.33 $ 255,347.33
Branch, John David CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Ross School of Business $ 254,900.00 $ 254,900.00
Packard, Heidi Ann ASST PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 254,700.00 $ 254,700.00
Ramaswamy, Venkatram PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 253,300.00 $ 253,300.00
Kama, Itay CLINICAL ASST PROF Ross School of Business $ 252,500.00 $ 252,500.00
Choi, Jae Eun ASST PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 250,100.00 $ 250,100.00
Ulrich, David O Professor Ross School of Business $ 250,000.00 $ 140,000.00
Anderson, Samuel Sobel ASST PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 249,200.00 $ 249,200.00
Brown, Christina L LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 246,948.66 $ 27,411.30
Begen, Mehmet Atilla LEO Lecturer I Ross School of Business $ 246,240.00 $ 233,001.28
Mehta, Mihir Nandkishore ASST PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 245,800.00 $ 245,800.00
Zhou, Yue Maggie ASSOC PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 242,200.00 $ 242,200.00
Hess, David William PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 239,100.00 $ 59,775.00
Bhattacharyya, Sugato ASSOC PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 239,000.00 $ 78,870.00
Afuah, Allan N PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 238,700.00 $ 238,700.00
Sinclair, Jeffrey Cameron LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 237,740.14 $ 141,990.30
Schwartz, Eric Michael ASSOC PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 235,100.00 $ 235,100.00
Lee, Jooa ASSOC PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 233,500.00 $ 233,500.00
Miller, Sarah Marie ASSOC PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 233,000.00 $ 233,000.00
Sandelands, Lloyd Edward PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 232,000.00 $ 232,000.00
Burson, Katherine Alicia ASSOC PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 231,300.00 $ 231,300.00
Byron-Oilar, Amy Policy Advis to Vice Prov/Dean ROSS SCH Deans Office $ 231,142.63 $ 231,142.63
Latterman, Gregg Alan CLINICAL ASST PROF Ross School of Business $ 230,000.00 $ 57,500.00
Nyshadham, Anant Narain ASSOC PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 229,300.00 $ 229,300.00
Page: 4 of 21

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