List of Departments

Number of people in this department: ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute 16
Maximum Salary:$ 145,000.00
Average Salary:$ 87,463.49
Minimum Salary:$ 45,760.06

2022-23 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Slack, Sarika Gupta Program Manager ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 145,000.00 $ 0.00
Johnson, Michael Acad &/Or Res Prgm Ofcr Assoc ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 130,074.93 $ 0.00
Botkin, Joshua Acad &/Or Res Prgm Ofcr Assoc ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 130,000.00 $ 0.00
Menon, Rashmi A Acad &/Or Res Prgm Ofcr Assoc ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 130,000.00 $ 0.00
Price, James D Acad &/Or Res Prgm Ofcr Assoc ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 130,000.00 $ 0.00
Kujava, Angela Business Development Sr Supr ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 115,919.24 $ 0.00
Perigo, Anne Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 93,583.12 $ 0.00
Beeman, Shannon Mktg Communications Specialist ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 74,026.04 $ 0.00
Woolsens, Steven Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 72,800.00 $ 0.00
Shipp-Caldwell, Andrea Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 71,869.93 $ 0.00
Wander, Michelle Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 64,480.00 $ 0.00
Liu, Shengxian DB Report Writing Analyst ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 56,159.92 $ 0.00
Burke, Hannah Admin Coord/Project Coord ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 46,800.02 $ 0.00
Kassof, Katia Admin Coord/Project Coord ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 46,800.02 $ 0.00
Patterson, Margaret D Student Admin Asst Inter ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 46,142.48 $ 0.00
Jaggers, Jasmine Admin Coord/Project Coord ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 45,760.06 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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