List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Pharmacy 153
Maximum Salary:$ 350,441.00
Average Salary:$ 117,631.03
Minimum Salary:$ 32,200.00

2022-23 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Ashjian, Emily CLINICAL ASST PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 142,637.00 $ 42,791.10
Kenes, Michael Thomas CLINICAL ASST PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 141,440.00 $ 70,720.00
Pasternak, Amy Lynn CLINICAL ASST PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 140,706.00 $ 112,564.80
Ward, Kristen Marie CLINICAL ASST PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 139,598.00 $ 83,758.80
Clasby, Martin C RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 138,638.00 $ 0.00
Luzum, Jasmine ASST PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 137,540.00 $ 34,385.00
Hertz, Daniel Louis ASST PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 137,496.00 $ 94,184.76
Coe, Antoinette Bartolotta ASST PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 132,358.00 $ 16,809.47
Kersten, Roland D ASST PROFESSOR PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 131,504.00 $ 74,497.02
Lester, Corey Alan ASST PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 126,833.00 $ 50,733.20
Brunaugh, Ashlee Dawn ASST PROFESSOR PHARMACY Pharmaceutical Sci $ 122,025.00 $ 122,025.00
Beleh, Mustapha A LEO Lecturer IV PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 119,166.00 $ 119,166.00
Lomize, Andrei L RESEARCH SCIENTIST PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 111,189.00 $ 5,559.45
Rech, Jason C ASSOC RES SCIENTIST PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 110,000.00 $ 0.00
Krishnan, Vishalakshi Acad &/Or Res Prgm Ofcr Assoc PHARMACY Pharmaceutical Sci $ 109,474.00 $ 0.00
Shay, Brian Research Lab Specialist Lead PHARMACY Pharmaceutical Sci $ 105,000.00 $ 0.00
Pogozheva, Irina D ASSOC RES SCIENTIST PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 101,128.00 $ 5,056.40
Wen, Bo Assistant Director PHARMACY Pharmaceutical Sci $ 98,456.00 $ 0.00
Lautner, Gergely RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR PHARMACY Pharmaceutical Sci $ 96,617.00 $ 7,410.52
Arzac, Juan App Programmer/Analyst Inter PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 85,069.00 $ 0.00
Olsen, Karl Research Lab Specialist Inter PHARMACY Pharmaceutical Sci $ 81,916.00 $ 16,383.20
Hutchings, Kim Chemist Lead PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 80,782.00 $ 0.00
Gan, Xinmin Chemist Lead PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 78,944.00 $ 0.00
Diakow, Cindy Program Manager PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 77,538.00 $ 0.00
Rowell, Brigid Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 77,501.00 $ 3,875.05
Packiarajan, Mathivanan Chemist Lead PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 77,168.00 $ 0.00
Marshall, Vincent Statistician Senior PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 76,178.00 $ 0.00
Sagi, Janaki Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 75,879.00 $ 0.00
Bronson, Jennifer M Executive Secretary PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 71,999.98 $ 72,000.00
Seeger, Julie Ann Program Manager PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 71,500.00 $ 0.00
Page: 3 of 6

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