List of Departments

Number of people in this department: PHARMAC 179
Maximum Salary:$ 363,757.00
Average Salary:$ 112,307.56
Minimum Salary:$ 37,000.00

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Dorsch, Michael Patrick ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 171,885.00 $ 22,345.05
Klein, Kristin C CLINICAL PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 171,440.00 $ 85,720.00
Mohammad, Rima A CLINICAL PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 169,875.00 $ 84,938.37
Garner, Amanda Lee ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 169,194.00 $ 59,217.90
Thompson, Amy Nicole CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 166,969.00 $ 25,045.35
Thompson, Amy Nicole ASSOCIATE CHAIR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 166,969.00 $ 33,393.80
VandenBerg, Amy CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 166,422.00 $ 33,284.40
Frame, David G CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 164,899.00 $ 82,449.50
Pogue, Jason CLINICAL PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 164,590.00 $ 115,114.25
Phan, Hanna CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 163,707.00 $ 68,576.86
Cheng, Wei ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Pharmaceutical Sci $ 163,238.00 $ 109,369.46
Eschenauer, Gregory CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 162,878.00 $ 32,575.60
Kraft, Shawna L CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 162,642.00 $ 81,321.00
Regal, Randolph E CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 160,781.00 $ 80,390.50
Erickson, Steven R ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 160,291.00 $ 144,261.90
Lewis, Sarah Hanigan CLINICAL ASST PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 158,971.00 $ 15,897.48
Wells, Trisha Denise CLINICAL ASST PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 158,850.00 $ 79,425.00
Diez, Heidi Lynn CLINICAL ASST PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 157,700.00 $ 47,310.00
Smith, Michael Andrew CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 157,548.00 $ 126,038.40
Lee, Kyung-Dall PROFESSOR PHARMACY Pharmaceutical Sci $ 156,513.00 $ 156,513.00
Vordenberg, Sarah Elizabeth CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 156,303.00 $ 125,042.40
Marini, Bernard Lawrence CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 155,715.00 $ 31,143.00
Ashjian, Emily CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 155,189.00 $ 46,556.70
Zhu, Guizhi ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Pharmaceutical Sci $ 155,000.00 $ 68,200.00
Hertz, Daniel Louis ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 155,000.00 $ 65,100.00
Carver, Margaret L ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 154,090.00 $ 100,158.50
Kenes, Michael Thomas CLINICAL ASST PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 150,252.00 $ 75,126.00
Cernak, Timothy Andrew ASST PROFESSOR PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 150,083.00 $ 87,978.65
Manzor Mitrzyk, Beatriz ASST PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 149,785.00 $ 149,785.00
Benitez Colon, Lydia L CLINICAL ASST PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 149,472.00 $ 29,894.40
Page: 2 of 6

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