List of Departments

Number of people in this department: P 660
Maximum Salary:$ 388,516.00
Average Salary:$ 85,245.99
Minimum Salary:$ 34,004.62

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 22
Name Title Department FTR GF
Pogue, Jason CLINICAL PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 169,528.00 $ 152,575.20
Vandermeer, John H Professor Program in the Environment $ 168,475.09 $ 42,118.77
Kraft, Shawna L CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 168,172.00 $ 84,086.00
Jesiel, Heidi Hosner Major Gifts Officer Lead Parent & Family Giving $ 166,708.00 $ 0.00
Cernak, Timothy Andrew ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 166,217.00 $ 95,774.24
Erickson, Steven R ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 165,741.00 $ 159,111.36
Regal, Randolph E CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 165,605.00 $ 82,802.50
Lewis, Sarah Hanigan CLINICAL ASST PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 164,933.00 $ 16,493.63
Wells, Trisha Denise CLINICAL ASST PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 164,806.00 $ 82,403.00
Smith, Michael Andrew CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 163,456.00 $ 8,172.80
Marshall, Andrew John Professor Program in the Environment $ 162,506.30 $ 40,626.58
Vordenberg, Sarah Elizabeth CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 162,164.00 $ 97,298.40
Vordenberg, Sarah Elizabeth ASSOCIATE CHAIR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 162,164.00 $ 32,432.80
Marini, Bernard Lawrence CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 161,554.00 $ 32,310.80
Lee, Kyung-Dall PROFESSOR PHARMACY Pharmaceutical Sci $ 161,209.00 $ 161,209.00
Miretti, Emily CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 161,009.00 $ 48,302.70
Hertz, Daniel Louis ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 160,813.00 $ 57,088.62
Zhu, Guizhi ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Pharmaceutical Sci $ 160,813.00 $ 16,081.30
Kenes, Michael Thomas CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 160,394.00 $ 80,197.00
Benitez Colon, Lydia L CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 159,562.00 $ 15,956.20
Carver, Margaret L ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 158,713.00 $ 103,163.45
Ward, Kristen Marie CLINICAL ASSOC PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 158,536.00 $ 95,121.60
Pasternak, Amy Lynn CLINICAL ASST PROF PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 154,554.00 $ 104,323.95
Manzor Mitrzyk, Beatriz ASST PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 154,279.00 $ 154,279.00
Sulikowski, Charles App Sys Analysis/Prgmming Mgr Procurement Services $ 152,599.05 $ 0.00
Stevens, Andrea J Project Management Director Procurement Services $ 151,856.64 $ 0.00
Colacino, Justin Adam Assoc Professor Program in the Environment $ 150,555.75 $ 37,638.94
Luzum, Jasmine ASST PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 148,120.00 $ 148,120.00
Wu, Yiping App Sys Analysis/Prgmming Mgr Procurement Services $ 147,866.49 $ 0.00
Hart, Philip Solomon Professor Program in the Environment $ 147,348.68 $ 36,837.17
Page: 3 of 22

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