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Number of people in this department: Molec - Integrative Physiology 85
Maximum Salary:$ 315,000.00
Average Salary:$ 71,414.89
Minimum Salary:$ 27,999.92

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Omary, Bishr PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 315,000.00 $ 78,998.22
Williams, John Andrew PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 208,060.00 $ 99,875.04
Carter-Su, Christin PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 190,812.17 $ 104,946.70
Faulkner, John A PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 187,063.29 $ 79,505.08
Low, Malcolm J PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 180,000.00 $ 120,006.00
Karsch, Fred J PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 161,111.57 $ 124,797.02
Stuenkel, Edward L PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 155,000.00 $ 60,450.00
MacDougald, Ormond A PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 155,000.00 $ 64,325.00
Schwartz, Jessica PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 150,315.30 $ 52,610.36
Samuelson, Linda C PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 146,141.40 $ 37,266.06
Mortensen, Richard M PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 143,946.52 $ 77,731.12
Pletcher, Scott ASSOC PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 140,000.00 $ 56,000.00
D'Alecy, Louis G PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 135,084.64 $ 121,576.18
Schnell, Santiago David ASSOC PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 123,600.00 $ 76,632.00
Herzog, Susan Brooks ASSOC PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 117,317.00 $ 25,826.16
Rui, Liangyou ASSOC PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 113,745.12 $ 45,498.05
Borjigin, Jimo ASSOC PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 112,731.23 $ 39,455.93
Lopatin, Anatoli N ASSOC PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 107,779.06 $ 37,722.67
Michele, Daniel Eugene ASST PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 99,318.41 $ 59,591.05
Bomar, Francine Mcquade Administrative Dir Healthcare Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 99,304.36 $ 99,304.36
Larkin, Lisa M RESEARCH ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 97,211.70 $ 27,219.28
Murphy, Geoffrey G ASST PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 96,458.69 $ 4,822.93
Sutton, Michael Mark Alexander ASST PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 93,194.40 $ 4,659.72
Yin, Lei ASST PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 90,000.00 $ 90,000.00
Shah, Yatrik M ASST PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 90,000.00 $ 90,000.00
Claflin, Dennis R RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 85,253.92 $ 0.00
Linford, Nancy RESEARCH INVESTIGATOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 67,000.00 $ 0.00
Many, Anne Howland Admin Specialist Senior Health Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 66,200.16 $ 66,200.16
Otero-Corchon, Veronica Research Lab Specialist Lead Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 63,000.00 $ 0.00
Argetsinger, Lawrence S RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Molec - Integrative Physiology $ 62,636.82 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 5

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