List of Departments

Number of people in this department: M 32743
Maximum Salary:$ 2,385,714.33
Average Salary:$ 97,972.53
Minimum Salary:$ 31,520.06

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1028 of 1092
Name Title Department FTR GF
Mohsen, Zaid UNIT CUSTODIAN MM CW Environmental Svs-EVE $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Mojica, Andres UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Mokonenn, Admaswork UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs - DAYS $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Montez, Pablo UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs - DAYS $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Moore, April UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Moore, Michele UNIT CUSTODIAN MM CW Environmental Svs-EVE $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Moore, Myles PATIENT TRANSPORTER MM Logistics Patient Transport $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Mopkin, Latresea UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Morawski, Christina UNIT CUSTODIAN MM CW Environmental Svs-Days $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Morris, DaNaja UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs - DAYS $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Morton, Monica PATIENT TRANSPORTER MM Logistics Patient Transport $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Moses-Kile, James E UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Mosquera Rodriguez, Laurent Carolina UNIT CUSTODIAN MM CW Environmental Svs-Days $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Murphy, Dominic UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs - DAYS $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Murphy, Jacqueline UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs - DAYS $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Murphy, Jesse UNIT CUSTODIAN MM CW Environmental Svs-MN $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Murphy, Rachel UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs-MN $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Murray, Dana UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Murray, Lenni UNIT CUSTODIAN MM CW Environmental Svs-Days $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Murry, Ashly COOK I MI Dining - Administration $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Mussa, Samira UNIT CUSTODIAN MM CW Environmental Svs-EVE $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Myers, Stephanie UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs - DAYS $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Myles, Jamar UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Napier, Rudolph UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Neely II, Leon UNIT CUSTODIAN MM CW Environmental Svs-Days $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Nega, Katty PATIENT TRANSPORTER MM Logistics Patient Transport $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Nelson, Dianna UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Nelson, Gail UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs-MN $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Newman, Kawanza UNIT CUSTODIAN MM CW Environmental Svs-MN $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Nichols, Melissa UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Page: 1028 of 1092

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