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Number of people in this department: LSA Screen Arts and Cultures 29
Maximum Salary:$ 140,000.00
Average Salary:$ 59,756.17
Minimum Salary:$ 32,100.12

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Studlar, Gaylyn PROFESSOR LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 140,000.00 $ 105,000.00
Abel, Richard PROFESSOR LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 116,445.00 $ 116,445.00
Von Moltke, Johannes Eugen ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 71,170.00 $ 35,585.00
Rayher, Robert W LEO Lecturer IV LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 68,891.93 $ 68,891.93
Sarris, Terri L LEO Lecturer IV LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 68,526.21 $ 68,526.21
Haggins, Bambi L ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 65,384.00 $ 65,384.00
Bertellini, Giorgio ASST PROFESSOR LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 62,556.67 $ 46,917.50
Saks, Lucia A ASST PROFESSOR LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 62,103.00 $ 62,103.00
Murphy, Sheila C ASST PROFESSOR LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 62,041.00 $ 62,041.00
Dass, Manishita ASST PROFESSOR LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 60,990.00 $ 30,495.00
Kybartas, Stashu LEO Lecturer IV LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 60,927.06 $ 60,927.06
McNamara, Christopher E LEO Lecturer IV LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 60,447.62 $ 60,447.62
Burnstein, James S LEO Lecturer IV LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 60,286.86 $ 40,693.63
Young, Alan S Instructional Learning Senior LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 60,046.00 $ 60,046.00
Herbert, Daniel Chilcote ASST PROFESSOR LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 59,000.00 $ 59,000.00
Cohen, Hubert I Professor LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 55,569.00 $ 27,784.50
Chlipala, Marylou Mktg Communications Specialist LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 54,152.00 $ 54,152.00
Schuhwerk-Hampel, Margarete Business Administrator Assoc LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 54,000.00 $ 54,000.00
Lawson, Terry J LEO Lecturer II LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 53,455.34 $ 13,363.84
Hoffman, Robert D Instructional Learning Senior LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 53,446.00 $ 53,446.00
Shere, Daniel Adam LEO Lecturer II LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 51,659.20 $ 12,914.80
Hallman, Philip A Infor Resources Specialist Sr LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 50,960.00 $ 50,960.00
Kligerman, Mark William LEO Lecturer II LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 47,779.20 $ 47,779.20
Kirby, Susan A Secretary Senior LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 43,527.90 $ 43,527.90
Fanucchi, Victor T LEO Lecturer I LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 42,609.48 $ 42,609.52
Pratt, Steven T Theatre Artisan/Technician LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 39,795.08 $ 39,795.08
Hess, Robert R Instructional Learning Inter LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 37,555.00 $ 37,555.00
Thornton, Oliver Reid LEO Lecturer I LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 37,505.40 $ 12,498.64
Moore, Carrie Jane Student Admin Asst Assoc LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 32,100.12 $ 32,100.12
Abel, Richard CHAIR LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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