List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LSA DEan 418
Maximum Salary:$ 416,955.00
Average Salary:$ 94,329.90
Minimum Salary:$ 39,999.96

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 11 of 14
Name Title Department FTR GF
Richardson, Lauren Program Manager LSA Dean: Undergrad. Education $ 63,963.00 $ 63,963.00
Chesno, Christopher Data Security Analyst Assoc LSA Dean: TS ResComp&InfrSvcs $ 63,900.00 $ 63,900.00
Popiolek, Joseph Media Consultant LSA Dean: TS Support Services $ 63,300.00 $ 63,300.00
Holman, Andrea Instructional Learning Inter LSA Dean: TS Academic TechSvcs $ 63,000.00 $ 63,000.00
Bell, Leslie App Programmer/Analyst Assoc LSA Dean: TS ResComp&InfrSvcs $ 62,900.00 $ 62,900.00
Leka, Ilma Stewardship Officer Inter LSA Dean: Advancement $ 62,588.00 $ 62,588.00
Ackroyd, Joy HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 62,500.00 $ 62,500.00
Thomason, Corrie HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 62,500.00 $ 62,500.00
Frazier, Elizabeth Communications Specialist LSA Dean: Advancement $ 62,220.00 $ 62,220.00
Katz, Christopher HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 62,058.00 $ 62,058.00
Toth, Andrew Project Engineer Associate LSA Dean: TS Academic TechSvcs $ 62,000.12 $ 0.00
Wilson, Jonathan Project Engineer Associate LSA Dean: TS Academic TechSvcs $ 62,000.12 $ 0.00
Hesch, Shannon HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 61,800.00 $ 61,800.00
Laurencelle, Sean HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 61,651.00 $ 61,651.00
Crandall, Kelcie Nicole Accountant Intermediate LSA Dean: Finance $ 61,537.00 $ 61,537.00
Retzloff, Karen Administrative Assistant Sr LSA Dean: Advancement $ 61,501.00 $ 61,501.00
Baas, Terra HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 61,360.00 $ 61,360.00
Iacob, Noa Cust Svc Inter Supr Consumer LSA Dean: TS Support Services $ 61,300.00 $ 61,300.00
Guri, Xhulia Annual Giving Officer Inter LSA Dean: Advancement $ 61,200.00 $ 61,200.00
Durocher, Breanna BI Analyst Associate LSA Dean: Advancement $ 61,150.00 $ 61,150.00
Del Castillo-Jorgensen, Cambria HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 61,000.00 $ 61,000.00
Avian, Paul Desktop Support Spec Inter LSA Dean: TS ResComp&InfrSvcs $ 60,700.00 $ 60,700.00
Feeley, Robert Media Consultant LSA Dean: TS Support Services $ 60,550.00 $ 50,862.00
Luckas, David Facilities Coordinator LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,500.00 $ 60,500.00
Austin, Trevor MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
Jovanovic, Nemanja MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
McPeake, Christopher M MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
Sweeny, Clayton C MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
Warren, Andrew MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
Johnson, Nathan Accountant Intermediate LSA Dean: Finance $ 60,371.00 $ 60,371.00
Page: 11 of 14

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