List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LSA Comparative Literature 21
Maximum Salary:$ 147,144.00
Average Salary:$ 89,273.23
Minimum Salary:$ 40,191.98

2013-14 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Herwitz, Daniel Alan PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 147,144.00 $ 0.00
Tang, Xiaobing PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 140,286.00 $ 35,071.50
Lambropoulos, Vassilios PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 139,234.00 $ 69,617.00
Prins, Johanna H PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 134,550.00 $ 67,275.00
Masuzawa, Tomoko PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 110,164.00 $ 55,082.00
Ekotto, Frieda PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 97,686.00 $ 48,843.00
Weineck, Silke-Maria ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 93,150.00 $ 46,575.00
Brown, Catherine ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 90,352.00 $ 22,588.00
Shammas, Anton PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 89,260.00 $ 44,630.00
Konuk-Agnew, Kader ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 88,706.00 $ 44,353.00
Gray, Judith A Business Administrator Senior LSA Comparative Literature $ 88,115.00 $ 44,057.50
Colas, Santiago ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 82,920.00 $ 41,460.00
Merrill, Christi Ann ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 77,060.00 $ 27,030.00
Tsoffar, Ruth ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 74,744.00 $ 37,372.00
Dufallo, Basil J ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 73,073.00 $ 18,268.25
Aleksic, Tatjana ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 71,636.00 $ 17,909.00
Clej, Alina M ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 68,614.00 $ 34,307.00
Paloff, Benjamin B ASST PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 66,424.00 $ 712.07
Dika, Tarek R ASST PROF/POSTDOC SCH-MSF LSA Comparative Literature $ 55,000.00 $ 18,150.00
Harris, Nancy E W Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Comparative Literature $ 46,427.90 $ 46,427.90
Frank, Paula L Secretary Senior LSA Comparative Literature $ 40,191.98 $ 40,191.98
Page: 1 of 1

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