List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LSA 3247
Maximum Salary:$ 405,000.00
Average Salary:$ 88,997.37
Minimum Salary:$ 24,667.61

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 8 of 109
Name Title Department FTR GF
Arbeiter, Brian M Major Gifts Director LSA Dean: Advancement $ 178,315.00 $ 178,315.00
Uher, Ctirad PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 177,780.00 $ 177,780.00
Fricke, Thomas E PROFESSOR LSA Anthropology $ 177,247.00 $ 177,247.00
Matzger, Adam J PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 177,206.00 $ 177,206.00
Yates, J Frank PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 177,147.03 $ 177,147.03
Keating, Daniel P PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 177,100.47 $ 177,100.47
Smith, Jacqueline Elizabeth PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 177,008.86 $ 88,504.43
Slater, Daniel PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 176,884.00 $ 88,442.00
Slater, Daniel DIR ACADEMIC PROGRAM LSA II: Weiser Emerging Democr $ 176,884.00 $ 0.00
Mustata, Mircea Immanuel PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 176,120.88 $ 176,120.88
Kwak, Nojin DIR ACADEMIC PROGRAM LSA II: Nam Ctr Korean Studies $ 175,150.00 $ 43,787.50
Kwak, Nojin PROFESSOR LSA Communication and Media $ 175,150.00 $ 131,362.50
Nolan, Merlis J Bus Admin Staff Specialist LSA Dean: Dean's Office $ 175,000.00 $ 175,000.00
Fryberg, Stephanie PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 175,000.00 $ 175,000.00
Chen, Zhan PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 174,793.00 $ 174,793.00
Shryock, Andrew J PROFESSOR LSA Anthropology $ 174,757.00 $ 174,757.00
Canary, Richard D PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 174,511.67 $ 174,511.67
Simon, Carl P PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 174,000.00 $ 72,471.00
Ceballo, Rosario E ASSOC DEAN LSA Dean: Dean's Office $ 173,880.00 $ 130,410.00
Ceballo, Rosario E PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 173,880.00 $ 43,470.00
Owen-Smith, Jason D PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 173,628.00 $ 86,814.00
Kopelman, Raoul PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 173,506.00 $ 164,830.70
Brader, Ted PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 173,035.00 $ 173,035.00
Bhatt, Bhargav PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 173,000.00 $ 0.00
McKay, Timothy A ASSOC DEAN LSA Dean: Dean's Office $ 172,813.00 $ 129,609.75
McKay, Timothy A PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 172,813.00 $ 43,203.25
Pecoraro, Vincent L PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 172,801.00 $ 172,801.00
O'Foighil, Diarmaid PROFESSOR LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 172,422.00 $ 172,422.00
Galaty, Michael PROFESSOR LSA Anthropology $ 172,391.00 $ 86,195.50
Galaty, Michael CURATOR LSA Museum of Anthro Arch $ 172,391.00 $ 86,195.50
Page: 8 of 109

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