List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LSA 2829
Maximum Salary:$ 401,816.00
Average Salary:$ 72,965.59
Minimum Salary:$ 22,502.00

2010-11 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 110
Name Title Department FTR GF
Vicinus, Martha J PROFESSOR LSA English Language - Lit. $ 176,240.00 $ 176,240.00
Stephens Jr, Melvin ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 176,000.00 $ 176,000.00
Young, Virginia R PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 175,818.00 $ 56,261.76
Berridge, Kent C PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 174,986.00 $ 174,986.00
Francis, Anthony H ASSOC DEAN LSA Dean: Dean-s Office $ 173,040.00 $ 173,040.00
Moore, Deborah Dash DIRECTOR LSA Judaic Studies $ 172,970.00 $ 0.00
Lord, Catherine PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 172,496.00 $ 46,573.92
Kennedy, Robert T PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 171,602.00 $ 85,801.00
Bass, Hyman PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 170,280.00 $ 85,140.00
Sarris, Robin Ann Administrative Director LSA Dean: Dean-s Office $ 170,260.00 $ 170,260.00
Fierke, Carol A PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 170,140.00 $ 170,140.00
Braddon-Mitchell, David Roy VISITING PROFESSOR I LSA Philosophy $ 170,000.00 $ 0.00
Fulton, William E PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 169,830.00 $ 169,830.00
Kitayama, Shinobu PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 168,062.00 $ 168,062.00
Schulenberg, John E PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 167,656.00 $ 41,914.00
Jackson, John E PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 167,496.00 $ 167,496.00
Kelley, Mary C PROFESSOR LSA American Culture $ 167,495.00 $ 83,747.50
Kelley, Mary C PROFESSOR LSA History $ 167,495.00 $ 83,747.50
Eley, Geoffrey H PROFESSOR LSA History $ 167,080.00 $ 167,080.00
Scott, Rebecca J PROFESSOR LSA History $ 166,205.33 $ 124,654.00
Morrow, James D PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 166,187.00 $ 166,187.00
Price, Richard H PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 165,870.00 $ 165,870.00
Johnston, Robert E Administrative Director LSA Dean: Facilities $ 165,640.00 $ 165,640.00
Richstone, Douglas O PROFESSOR LSA Astronomy $ 164,660.00 $ 164,660.00
Barsky, Robert B PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 164,640.00 $ 164,640.00
Suny, Ronald G PROFESSOR LSA History $ 164,132.00 $ 164,132.00
Merlin, Roberto D PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 163,890.00 $ 163,890.00
Howell, Joel D Professor LSA History $ 163,636.36 $ 81,818.18
House, Christopher L ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Economics $ 162,902.00 $ 162,902.00
Ellsworth, Phoebe C PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 162,569.00 $ 162,569.00
Page: 3 of 110

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