List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LS 3142
Maximum Salary:$ 385,700.00
Average Salary:$ 85,590.87
Minimum Salary:$ 26,790.00

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 32 of 105
Name Title Department FTR GF
Edelstein, Robin Stacey ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 100,318.00 $ 100,318.00
Johnson, Dawn Acad &/Or Res Prgm Ofcr Inter LSA Kelsey Museum of Arch $ 100,104.00 $ 100,104.00
Crowell, Susan E Professor LSA UG: Residential College $ 100,034.00 $ 75,025.50
Osgood, Iain Guthrie ASST PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00
Terhorst, Jonathan ASST PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00
Lev, Sarra VISITING ASSOC PROF LSA Judaic Studies $ 100,000.00 $ 0.00
Cory, Rose Assoc Professor LSA UG: Environment $ 100,000.00 $ 25,000.00
Smith, Stephen A ASST PROFESSOR LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00
Cory, Rose ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Earth & Environmental Sci. $ 100,000.00 $ 75,000.00
Nathan, Noah Louis ASST PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 99,960.00 $ 99,960.00
Ostfeld, Mara Cecelia ASST PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 99,960.00 $ 99,960.00
Hassan, Mai ASST PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 99,960.00 $ 99,960.00
Tyson, Scott ASST PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 99,960.00 $ 99,960.00
Shammas, Anton PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 99,940.00 $ 49,970.00
Shammas, Anton PROFESSOR LSA Near Eastern Studies $ 99,940.00 $ 49,970.00
Carcassi, Gabriele Research Area Specialist Sr LSA Physics $ 99,830.00 $ 19,966.00
Moyer, Ian S ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA History $ 99,707.00 $ 99,707.00
Trumpey, Joseph E Assoc Professor LSA UG: Environment $ 99,674.00 $ 24,918.50
Bailey, Joanne Motino LEO Lecturer II LSA Women's Studies $ 99,672.32 $ 33,190.88
Larose, Peter G LEO Lecturer IV LSA Mathematics $ 99,663.97 $ 49,831.99
Kovelman, Ioulia ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 99,650.00 $ 99,650.00
Barndt, Kerstin ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 99,528.00 $ 99,528.00
Maxwell, Kelly E Acad &/Or Res Prgm Ofcr Sr LSA UG: InterGroup Relations $ 99,500.00 $ 66,341.63
Deb, Aniruddha ASSOC RES SCIENTIST LSA Chemistry $ 99,453.00 $ 99,453.00
Pfeffer, Fabian T ASST PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 99,300.00 $ 49,650.00
Simmons, Lyle A ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 99,137.00 $ 99,137.00
Montague, Mark App Programmer/Analyst Sr LSA Dean: Info. Technology $ 99,117.00 $ 99,117.00
Veerapaneni, Shravan Kumar ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 99,079.00 $ 99,079.00
Ruotolo, Brandon Thomas ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 98,987.00 $ 98,987.00
Levin, Daniel S RESEARCH SCIENTIST LSA Physics $ 98,948.00 $ 4,947.40
Page: 32 of 105

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