List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LS 2774
Maximum Salary:$ 376,000.00
Average Salary:$ 80,255.03
Minimum Salary:$ 20,000.00

2013-14 University of Michigan SalariesPage 51 of 93
Name Title Department FTR GF
Lapere, Colleen M Business Administrator Assoc LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 62,712.00 $ 62,712.00
Thompson, Cheri Primrose Business Administrator Assoc LSA Judaic Studies $ 62,693.00 $ 62,693.00
Pachella, Robert G PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 62,680.00 $ 37,608.00
Cihak, Anna Leah Student Administration Manager LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 62,599.00 $ 62,599.00
Quart, Ellen J LEO Lecturer II LSA Psychology $ 62,592.81 $ 20,859.05
Ertefaie, Ashkan RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Statistics $ 62,577.00 $ 0.00
Drobeck, Dennis L Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Supr LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 62,490.00 $ 62,490.00
Eljamal, Melissa Beth Business Administrator Assoc LSA Organizational Studies $ 62,485.00 $ 62,485.00
Sells, Donald ASST PROFESSOR LSA Classical Studies $ 62,402.00 $ 62,402.00
Wadding, Robin Lynn Stewardship Officer Senior LSA Development $ 62,398.00 $ 62,398.00
Cortes-Ortiz, Liliana Research Lab Specialist Lead LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 62,376.00 $ 31,188.00
Titus, Ann Marie Executive Secretary LSA Biophysics $ 62,357.12 $ 62,357.12
Caston, Ruth Rothaus ASST PROFESSOR LSA Classical Studies $ 62,231.00 $ 62,231.00
Hoffman, Robert D Instructional Learning Senior LSA Screen Arts & Cultures $ 62,223.00 $ 62,223.00
Custer, William A Desktop Support Specialist Sr LSA Dean: Info. Technology $ 62,194.00 $ 62,194.00
Rabeler, Richard K ASSOC RES SCIENTIST LSA Herbarium $ 62,160.00 $ 3,108.00
Abrego, Carl Oscar Administrative Specialist LSA Kelsey Museum/Archaeology $ 62,148.00 $ 59,040.60
Kurdziel, Josephine P LEO Lecturer IV LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 62,142.73 $ 62,142.73
Rasia, Elena ASST RES SCIENTIST LSA Physics $ 62,134.00 $ 3,106.70
Beach, Steven E Research Process Coordinator LSA Dean: Dean-s Office $ 62,102.00 $ 62,102.00
James, Elizabeth Ann Acad &/Or Res Prgm Ofcr Assoc LSA DAAS $ 62,087.00 $ 62,087.00
Nelson, Erin Multimedia Designer LSA Development $ 62,068.00 $ 62,068.00
Murray, Rebekah Kay Communications Specialist LSA Development $ 62,067.50 $ 49,654.00
Hoff, Jeremy D Research Lab Specialist Lead LSA Biophysics $ 62,000.00 $ 62,000.00
Sobocinski, Gregg Patrick Research Lab Specialist Senior LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 61,937.00 $ 61,937.00
Wright, Cornelius Student Administration Manager LSA Chemistry $ 61,730.00 $ 61,730.00
Hoeffner, James H LEO Lecturer IV LSA Psychology $ 61,718.11 $ 61,718.11
Allen, Dennis M Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Mgr LSA Physics $ 61,677.00 $ 61,677.00
Anderson, Jocelyn M Web Applications Developer LSA Psychology $ 61,656.00 $ 61,656.00
Soter, Gina Marie LEO Lecturer IV LSA Classical Studies $ 61,639.99 $ 41,298.79
Page: 51 of 93

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