List of Departments

Number of people in this department: LAW 299
Maximum Salary:$ 2,402,666.67
Average Salary:$ 177,175.71
Minimum Salary:$ 31,998.00

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 9 of 10
Name Title Department FTR GF
Kollar, Debora L Help Desk Spt Svc Spec Inter Law School $ 50,988.00 $ 50,988.00
Choike, Anne Marie RESEARCH FELLOW Law School $ 50,930.00 $ 50,930.00
Mitchell, Laura Kate RESEARCH FELLOW Law School $ 50,930.00 $ 50,930.00
Ferrari, Kerri D Training Assistant Senior Law School $ 50,712.00 $ 38,034.00
Rice, Lesley Legal Secretary Senior Law School $ 50,671.00 $ 50,671.00
Richard, Veronica Ruth Secretary Senior Law Library $ 50,599.00 $ 50,599.00
Fuller, Stephen G Administrative Assistant Inter Law School $ 50,049.00 $ 50,049.00
Chu, Mike Administrative Specialist Law School $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00
Curtis, Yulanda Lakysha RESEARCH FELLOW Law School $ 50,000.00 $ 0.00
Theisen, Amelia Administrative Specialist Law School $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00
Cook, Shannon M Administrative Assistant Sr Law School $ 48,819.00 $ 48,819.00
Graves, Susan J Administrative Assistant Sr Law School $ 48,819.00 $ 48,819.00
Brieger, Julie Accountant Intermediate Law School $ 47,754.00 $ 47,754.00
Ahmed, Manzoor Accountant Associate Law School $ 47,623.00 $ 47,623.00
Ulivi, Kathleen M Admin Coord/Project Coord Law School $ 47,500.00 $ 47,500.00
Hoppe, Crystal Financial Aid Officer Inter Law School $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00
Falkowski, Brenda J Secretary Senior Law School $ 46,860.00 $ 37,488.00
Faris, Dara Linn Secretary Senior Law School $ 46,744.00 $ 46,744.00
Horning, Janis M Secretary Senior Law School $ 46,577.00 $ 46,577.00
Long, Deborah K Facilities Coordinator Law School $ 46,442.00 $ 23,221.00
Rushlow, Karen E Secretary Senior Law School $ 46,364.00 $ 46,364.00
Harper, Justin Social Worker MSW Law School $ 46,125.00 $ 0.00
Masten, Meagan Callan Applications Programmer Assoc Law School $ 46,125.00 $ 46,125.00
Mitchell, Cathy Research Area Specialist Assoc Law School $ 46,125.00 $ 0.00
Ryan, Helen Swope Secretary Intermediate Law School $ 46,105.00 $ 0.00
Jackson, Kaitlin RESEARCH FELLOW Law School $ 46,000.00 $ 0.00
Tan, Fang Clerk Intermediate Law School $ 45,488.00 $ 45,488.00
Harlow, Laura Helen Secretary Senior Law School $ 45,425.00 $ 45,425.00
Wielfaert, Linda K Secretary Senior Law School $ 45,339.00 $ 45,339.00
Bovoletis, Laura Elizabeth Info Resources Assoc Supr Law Library $ 45,000.02 $ 45,000.00
Page: 9 of 10

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