List of Departments

Number of people in this department: L 4171
Maximum Salary:$ 577,397.00
Average Salary:$ 96,231.61
Minimum Salary:$ 31,200.00

2022-23 University of Michigan SalariesPage 9 of 140
Name Title Department FTR GF
Traub, Valerie J PROFESSOR LSA English Language & Lit. $ 200,504.00 $ 40,101.30
Traub, Valerie J PROFESSOR LSA Women's and Gender Studies $ 200,504.00 $ 50,126.00
Hirshon, Robert Edward Program Manager Law School $ 200,426.32 $ 76,162.00
Johnson, Paul Christopher PROFESSOR LSA DAAS $ 200,247.00 $ 100,123.50
Johnson, Paul Christopher PROFESSOR LSA History $ 200,247.00 $ 100,123.50
Ohi, Melanie D RESEARCH PROFESSOR Life Sciences Institute-Admin $ 200,000.00 $ 121,660.00
Basmajian, Ara VISITING PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 200,000.00 $ 18,400.00
Chelkak, Dmitry PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 200,000.00 $ 0.00
Viljoen, Salome ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 200,000.00 $ 200,000.00
Rothschild, Rachel ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 200,000.00 $ 200,000.00
Costa Morosini, Fabio VISITING PROFESSOR Law School $ 200,000.00 $ 40,000.00
Schaus, Steven R ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 200,000.00 $ 200,000.00
Kazis, Noah ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 200,000.00 $ 200,000.00
Zhang, Jeffery ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 200,000.00 $ 200,000.00
D'Haene, Kimberly Assistant Dean Law School $ 199,718.48 $ 199,718.48
Kaul, Ramji Assistant Dean Law School $ 199,718.48 $ 199,718.48
Page, Susan Denise LEO Lecturer III Law School $ 199,617.58 $ 0.00
Borcea, Liliana PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 199,096.00 $ 199,096.00
Sinha, Mrinalini PROFESSOR LSA History $ 198,699.00 $ 0.00
Forger, Daniel Barclay PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 198,384.00 $ 128,949.60
McNeil, Anne Jennifer PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 198,326.00 $ 198,326.00
Hicken, Allen D PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 198,248.00 $ 198,248.00
Zhu, Ji PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 198,154.00 $ 125,631.62
Wingrove, Elizabeth R PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 197,824.00 $ 148,368.00
Wingrove, Elizabeth R PROFESSOR LSA Women's and Gender Studies $ 197,824.00 $ 49,456.00
Hall, Richard L PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 197,796.00 $ 98,898.00
Tewari, Ambuj PROFESSOR LSA Statistics $ 197,752.00 $ 197,752.00
Zubrzycki, Genevieve DIR ACADEMIC PROGRAM LSA II: Weiser Europe/Eurasia $ 197,597.00 $ 98,798.50
Zubrzycki, Genevieve PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 197,597.00 $ 98,798.50
Thomas, Kimberly A CLINICAL PROFESSOR Law School $ 197,587.32 $ 197,587.32
Page: 9 of 140

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