List of Departments

Number of people in this department: ITs 677
Maximum Salary:$ 500,000.00
Average Salary:$ 94,090.83
Minimum Salary:$ 39,999.96

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 23
Name Title Department FTR GF
Pendse, Ravindra Information Tech Top Executive ITS CIO Office of CIO $ 500,000.00 $ 500,000.00
Jones, Diane Administrative Director ITS Admin Central Admin $ 280,800.00 $ 280,800.00
Bermann, Sol Information Security Top Exec ITS IA Info Assurance Security $ 234,000.00 $ 234,000.00
Palms, Andrew T Information Systems Executive ITS Infra Net Director $ 230,686.00 $ 0.00
Jones II, Robert Douglas Information Systems Executive ITS SS Support Services $ 227,575.00 $ 227,575.00
Demonner, Sean Michael Information Systems Executive ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 217,732.00 $ 217,732.00
Behm, James B Information Systems Executive ITS CIO Office of CIO $ 216,184.00 $ 54,046.00
Boyd, Eric IT Engr and Res Dev Director ITS Infra Net Dir of Ops $ 208,927.00 $ 0.00
Handyside, Cathleen A Information Systems Executive ITS EAS Enterprise App Svcs $ 201,400.00 $ 201,400.00
Palen, Brock Edward IS Operations Director ITS ARC Advanced Research Comp $ 190,000.00 $ 95,000.00
Patel, Pradipkumar J IT Planning Manager ITS Infra Net Dir Telephony $ 186,910.00 $ 0.00
Nelson, Amy IT Financial Planning Director ITS Admin Finance $ 181,038.00 $ 181,038.00
Paxton, Reid W IS Operations Director ITS SS Support Services $ 178,764.00 $ 0.00
Wong, Rich IS Operations Director ITS SS Support Services $ 177,337.00 $ 177,337.00
Allen, Mashon IT Project Mgmt Office Dir ITS CIO PMO $ 169,859.00 $ 169,859.00
Chaffee, Lawrence H IS Director ITS EAS Enterprise App Svcs $ 166,980.00 $ 133,584.00
Mills, Hideko IT Project Mgmt Office Dir ITS Infra Net Dir of Bus $ 166,874.00 $ 0.00
Eagle, Christopher Enterprise Architect Expert ITS S&P Strategy and Planning $ 164,382.00 $ 164,382.00
Kirkland, Daniel Network Architect Lead ITS Infra Net Dir of Eng $ 164,115.00 $ 0.00
Dockins, DePriest IS Director ITS IA ID & Access Mgt $ 163,169.00 $ 163,169.00
Sager, Martin IS Operations Director ITS SysOps Services & Ops $ 161,010.00 $ 161,010.00
Gowan, Deborah L IS Director ITS Infra Net Director $ 160,036.00 $ 0.00
Noori, Asmat IS Security Manager ITS IA Info Assurance Security $ 157,794.00 $ 157,794.00
Ray, Philip M IS Operations Director ITS SS Support Services $ 156,678.00 $ 156,678.00
Kwasny, Mark Planning & Engineering Mgr ITS Infra Net Engineering $ 154,844.00 $ 0.00
Schwartz, Erik Data/Info Architect Lead ITS DSP Data Science Practice $ 153,465.00 $ 153,465.00
Lewis, Karl Storage Engineering Manager ITS SysOps Storage $ 150,800.00 $ 150,800.00
Burns, Thomas Communications Director ITS Admin Marketing & Comms $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00
Eglinton, Natalie ERP Project Manager ITS EAS HR Admin $ 149,067.00 $ 149,067.00
Robison, Amie M ERP Project Manager ITS EAS Student $ 149,067.00 $ 149,067.00
Page: 1 of 23

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