List of Departments

Number of people in this department: ITS T 18
Maximum Salary:$ 225,352.00
Average Salary:$ 102,550.44
Minimum Salary:$ 56,040.00

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Demonner, Sean Michael Information Systems Executive ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 225,352.00 $ 225,352.00
Qian, Zhen App Sys Analysis/Prgmming Mgr ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 141,650.00 $ 141,650.00
Burgess, Daniel ERP Business Analyst Lead ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 116,042.00 $ 116,042.00
Jones, Matthew App Sys Analyst/Programmer Ld ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 114,664.00 $ 114,664.00
Kraft, Melinda ERP Business Analyst Lead ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 113,918.00 $ 113,918.00
Sloan, Lance E App Sys Analyst/Programmer Sr ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 105,422.00 $ 105,422.00
Gundala, Pushyami App Sys Analyst/Programmer Sr ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 104,938.00 $ 104,938.00
Love, Jennifer ERP Business Analyst Senior ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 102,684.00 $ 102,684.00
Shah, Hemangini BI Analyst Senior ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 100,077.00 $ 100,077.00
Marocco, Angela Instructional Learning Lead ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 93,618.00 $ 93,618.00
Ziegler, Jeff A ERP Business Analyst Senior ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 89,353.00 $ 89,353.00
Towne, Kristine ERP Business Analyst Senior ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 89,276.00 $ 89,276.00
Oskui, Nargas Instructional Learning Senior ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 83,928.00 $ 83,928.00
Krooss, Jaydon App Sys Analyst/Prgm Inter ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 81,553.00 $ 81,553.00
Hickson, Monica Alexis Instructional Designer Senior ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 77,153.00 $ 77,153.00
Marbury, Nichole ERP Business Analyst Inter ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 76,629.00 $ 76,629.00
Joshi, Kalpana ERP Business Analyst Inter ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 73,611.00 $ 73,611.00
Ferro, Michael Administrative Assistant Sr ITS T&L Teaching and Learning $ 56,040.00 $ 56,040.00
Page: 1 of 1

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