List of Departments

Number of people in this department: ITS IS Windows Infrastructure 24
Maximum Salary:$ 130,164.00
Average Salary:$ 77,301.15
Minimum Salary:$ 45,203.00

2011-12 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hufziger, John C IT Planning Manager ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 130,164.00 $ 130,164.00
Weil, Anthony L OS Programming Manager ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 101,490.00 $ 76,117.50
Gowan, Deborah L OS Programming Manager ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 99,294.67 $ 74,471.00
Jones, Kevin Cameron OS Programming Manager ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 96,036.00 $ 96,036.00
Friedland, Charles W OS Programmer Senior ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 92,251.00 $ 0.00
Detlefs, David H OS Programmer Senior ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 90,082.00 $ 90,082.00
Powell, Daniel F OS Programmer Senior ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 90,079.00 $ 90,079.00
Swickerath, Brandon OS Programmer Senior ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 87,761.00 $ 87,761.00
Thierbach, Edward E OS Programmer Senior ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 87,150.00 $ 87,150.00
Miller, Terrence S OS Programmer Senior ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 83,593.00 $ 79,413.35
Jones, Samuel P OS Programmer Senior ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 75,052.00 $ 75,052.00
Devine, Rodger Kim OS Programmer Senior ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 74,980.00 $ 3,749.00
Landy, Aaron A OS Programmer Intermediate ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 70,012.00 $ 70,012.00
Hanadel, Paul John OS Programmer Intermediate ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 68,004.00 $ 13,600.80
Stiff, Michael A OS Programmer Intermediate ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 67,084.00 $ 67,084.00
Wilkerson, Bryan A OS Programmer Intermediate ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 66,008.00 $ 33,004.00
St Pierre, Daniel OS Programmer Intermediate ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 65,608.00 $ 65,608.00
Dan, Jing OS Programmer Intermediate ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 65,593.00 $ 65,593.00
Horton, Tara OS Programmer Intermediate ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 64,579.00 $ 64,579.00
Fleming, Christina OS Programmer Intermediate ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 61,694.00 $ 46,270.50
Henyard, Ryan Alexander OS Programmer Intermediate ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 57,871.00 $ 0.00
Ranville, Matthew R OS Programmer Intermediate ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 57,868.00 $ 54,974.60
Gallegos, Daniel Christopher OS Programmer Intermediate ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 57,771.00 $ 57,771.00
Tyler, Henry OS Programmer Associate ITS IS Windows Infrastructure $ 45,203.00 $ 45,203.08
Page: 1 of 1

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