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Number of people in this department: ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance 32
Maximum Salary:$ 248,675.00
Average Salary:$ 92,360.53
Minimum Salary:$ 48,294.00

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Welch, Donald Joseph Information Security Top Exec ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 248,675.00 $ 248,675.00
Bermann, Sol IS Security Director ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 148,964.00 $ 148,964.00
Lowry, Michael IS Security Manager ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 134,275.00 $ 134,275.00
Neil, Dennis Information Security Architect ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 117,300.00 $ 117,300.00
Getchell, Richard K Information Security Supr ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 105,053.00 $ 105,053.00
Tomaszewski, Jeffrey Data Security Analyst Senior ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 101,265.00 $ 101,265.00
Cheek, Kevin D Data Security Analyst Senior ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 100,244.00 $ 100,244.00
Neuvirth, James Disaster Recovery Planner ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 100,186.00 $ 100,186.00
Brenner, Christopher M Data Security Analyst Senior ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 99,732.00 $ 79,786.00
Levy, Alan J Business Proc Consultant Lead ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 97,224.00 $ 97,224.00
Geerlings, Ross Data Security Analyst Senior ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 97,192.00 $ 97,192.00
Rhee, William W Data Security Analyst Senior ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 97,154.00 $ 97,154.00
Cox, Douglas T Data Security Analyst Senior ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 95,472.00 $ 95,472.00
Eaton, Janet M F Technical Writer Lead ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 87,154.00 $ 87,154.00
Dixon, Drew Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 85,511.00 $ 85,511.00
Burns, Kelly P Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 83,501.00 $ 83,501.00
Suter, Thomas K Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 81,627.00 $ 81,627.00
Nelson, Paul Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 81,061.00 $ 81,061.00
Konrad, Ryan Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 81,041.00 $ 81,041.00
Bailey, Brandon Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 79,866.00 $ 79,866.00
Coons, Matthew Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 79,866.00 $ 79,866.00
Stathes, Gregory IT Project Inter Manager ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 79,866.00 $ 79,866.00
Briggs, Hugh Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 79,866.00 $ 79,866.00
Daher, Louis Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 77,869.00 $ 77,869.00
Negash, Neamen Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 75,669.00 $ 75,669.00
Bridson, Beth Lynn Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 75,478.00 $ 75,478.00
Martin, Matthew J Instructional Designer ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 70,751.00 $ 70,751.00
Borgman, Crystal S Data Security Analyst Inter ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 70,748.00 $ 70,748.00
Hudeck, Aaron Data Security Analyst Assoc ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 60,130.00 $ 60,129.00
Womble, Sasha Data Security Analyst Assoc ITS IIA Infra & Info Assurance $ 60,130.00 $ 60,129.00
Page: 1 of 2

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