List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Graduate Library Circulation 20
Maximum Salary:$ 118,914.00
Average Salary:$ 44,234.97
Minimum Salary:$ 24,388.00

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Dunkle, Rebecca M LIBRARIAN Graduate Library Circulation $ 118,914.00 $ 118,914.00
Wooding, Susan L Ops Mgr Non-Manufacturing Graduate Library Circulation $ 89,830.00 $ 89,830.00
McKendry, Carol A Info Resources Sr Supr Graduate Library Circulation $ 71,708.00 $ 71,708.00
Barrow, Paul J Information Resources Manager Graduate Library Circulation $ 58,597.00 $ 58,597.00
Spaide, Joanne E Info Resources Inter Supr Graduate Library Circulation $ 55,274.00 $ 55,274.00
Stoll, Geoffrey F Info Resources Inter Supr Graduate Library Circulation $ 42,827.00 $ 0.00
Nottley, Laura E Info Resources Inter Supr Graduate Library Circulation $ 41,621.00 $ 41,621.00
Wells, Diane R Info Resources Inter Supr Graduate Library Circulation $ 39,786.00 $ 39,786.00
Andrews, Sherry L Info Resources Assistant Sr Graduate Library Circulation $ 39,785.98 $ 39,785.98
Thomas, Kenneth Info Resources Assistant Sr Graduate Library Circulation $ 37,103.04 $ 37,103.04
Todd, Harry E Info Resources Assistant Inter Graduate Library Circulation $ 33,432.88 $ 33,432.88
Jacobson, Marguerite E Info Resources Assistant Sr Graduate Library Circulation $ 31,410.08 $ 31,410.08
Perez, Andrew G Info Resources Assistant Sr Graduate Library Circulation $ 31,410.08 $ 31,410.08
Hogan, Dianna MB Info Resources Assistant Inter Graduate Library Circulation $ 31,105.10 $ 31,105.10
Steele, Alan M Info Resources Assistant Inter Graduate Library Circulation $ 29,226.08 $ 0.00
Elias, Anne Info Resources Assistant Inter Graduate Library Circulation $ 28,453.88 $ 14,226.94
McFolley, Sheila Dantzler Info Resources Assistant Inter Graduate Library Circulation $ 28,148.90 $ 28,148.90
Thomas, Ryan Info Resources Assistant Inter Graduate Library Circulation $ 26,928.98 $ 26,928.98
Arab, Sanam Info Resources Assistant Inter Graduate Library Circulation $ 24,749.40 $ 18,561.92
McDermott, Adam Info Resources Assistant Assoc Graduate Library Circulation $ 24,388.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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