List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Flint biology 26
Maximum Salary:$ 129,516.65
Average Salary:$ 73,379.69
Minimum Salary:$ 51,200.00

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Duncan, Randall PROFESSOR Flint Biology $ 129,516.65 $ 97,137.49
Sucic, Joseph F PROFESSOR Flint Biology $ 111,747.60 $ 111,747.60
Dawson, Heather Ann PROFESSOR Flint Biology $ 104,090.82 $ 104,090.82
Tang, Kevin PROFESSOR Flint Biology $ 99,502.08 $ 99,502.08
Viele, Dennis P LEO Lecturer IV Flint Biology $ 88,913.38 $ 88,913.38
Hollis-Etter, Karmen M ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Biology $ 87,489.45 $ 87,489.45
Tonietto, Rebecca Katherine ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Biology $ 85,453.91 $ 85,453.91
Ware, Margaret L LEO Lecturer IV Flint Biology $ 84,860.87 $ 84,860.87
Chen, You-Shin ASST PROFESSOR Flint Biology $ 76,261.52 $ 76,261.52
Habeck, Dania E LEO Lecturer II Flint Biology $ 71,509.30 $ 35,754.65
McLaughlin, Maeve Delilah ASST PROFESSOR Flint Biology $ 71,500.00 $ 71,500.00
Slater, Jill A LEO Lecturer IV Flint Biology $ 70,016.17 $ 70,016.17
Yoder-Nowak, Teresa Ann LEO Lecturer IV Flint Biology $ 67,553.11 $ 67,553.11
Mayhew, Earl E LEO Lecturer II Flint Biology $ 66,851.97 $ 64,648.08
Miller, Jennifer E LEO Lecturer IV Flint Biology $ 63,980.83 $ 63,980.83
Cossaboom, Russell M LEO Lecturer IV Flint Biology $ 61,828.47 $ 61,828.47
Konieczny, Danielle Denise LEO Lecturer III Flint Biology $ 61,149.81 $ 61,149.81
Morey, Jon D LEO Lecturer II Flint Biology $ 60,435.79 $ 58,443.44
Hart, Stephanie Lynn LEO Lecturer II Flint Biology $ 60,334.57 $ 50,319.03
Holzer, Cynthia R LEO Lecturer I Flint Biology $ 60,000.00 $ 29,010.96
Yambrick, Nicole LEO Lecturer II Flint Biology $ 59,671.30 $ 52,885.84
Smith, Melvin LEO Lecturer I Flint Biology $ 54,237.22 $ 17,478.72
Lazenby, Kerry LEO Lecturer I Flint Biology $ 54,237.22 $ 52,449.20
Wasserman, Aaron LEO Lecturer I Flint Biology $ 53,000.00 $ 17,067.20
Starking, Melissa LEO Lecturer II Flint Biology $ 52,530.00 $ 52,530.00
Striber, Kristin LEO Lecturer I Flint Biology $ 51,200.00 $ 12,378.00
Page: 1 of 1

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