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Number of people in this department: Flint SocAnthropology 21
Maximum Salary:$ 90,541.86
Average Salary:$ 57,260.57
Minimum Salary:$ 38,000.00

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Thomas Jr, Charles B ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 90,541.86 $ 45,270.93
Smith, Beverley A ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 83,894.14 $ 83,894.14
Mars, Joan R ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 80,414.88 $ 80,414.88
Laube, Heather ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 75,930.92 $ 37,965.46
Litwin, Kenneth ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 74,227.38 $ 74,227.38
Alvey, Jennifer E ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 71,963.94 $ 71,963.94
Drummond-Lewis, Sasha Romanie ASST PROFESSOR Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 64,944.25 $ 64,944.25
Bender, Kimberly Ann ASST PROFESSOR Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 63,796.41 $ 63,796.41
Birchok, Daniel Andrew ASST PROFESSOR Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 63,796.41 $ 63,796.41
Lederman, Jacob Haim ASST PROFESSOR Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 63,298.49 $ 63,298.49
Kahl Smith, Amanda ASST PROFESSOR Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 63,263.22 $ 42,386.36
Schellenberg, Kathryn ASSOC PROF EMERITUS/A Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 56,000.00 $ 28,000.00
Spivack, Shelley Robin LEO Lecturer II Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 43,400.00 $ 10,850.00
MacIntyre, Laura G LEO Lecturer II Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 41,000.00 $ 20,500.00
James, Allison LEO Lecturer I Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 38,000.00 $ 9,500.00
Girdwood, John LEO Lecturer I Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 38,000.00 $ 19,000.00
Petrak, Rachel K LEO Lecturer I Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 38,000.00 $ 9,500.00
Raslich, Frank LEO Lecturer I Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 38,000.00 $ 9,500.00
Foote, Aaron Christin LEO Lecturer I Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 38,000.00 $ 9,500.00
Vannier, Christian N LEO Lecturer I Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 38,000.00 $ 19,000.00
Wojciechowski, Thomas LEO Lecturer I Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 38,000.00 $ 9,500.00
Page: 1 of 1

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