List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Flint Mathematics 23
Maximum Salary:$ 109,174.96
Average Salary:$ 58,320.46
Minimum Salary:$ 28,760.00

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Alfaro, Ricardo PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 109,174.96 $ 109,174.96
Schilling, Kenneth E PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 101,164.99 $ 101,164.99
Bix, Robert A PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 100,775.00 $ 100,775.00
Simkani, Mehrdad PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 94,898.70 $ 94,898.70
Han, Lixing PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 88,257.09 $ 88,257.09
Hansen, Kristina D ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 86,240.94 $ 86,240.94
McLeman, Laura ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 75,924.76 $ 75,924.76
Tu, Shu-Yi ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 75,756.26 $ 75,756.26
Coffield Jr, Daniel James ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 74,431.13 $ 74,431.13
Thompson, Howard M ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 69,502.15 $ 69,502.15
McLeman, Cameron ASST PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 64,937.05 $ 64,937.05
Panoff, Christine A LEO Lecturer II Flint Mathematics $ 37,852.30 $ 37,852.32
Prost, Kenneth L LEO Lecturer II Flint Mathematics $ 37,735.39 $ 28,301.55
Moliassa, John A LEO Lecturer II Flint Mathematics $ 37,735.38 $ 37,735.38
Herta, Jean A LEO Lecturer II Flint Mathematics $ 37,216.37 $ 18,608.24
Barbee, Mary Administrative Assistant Inter Flint Mathematics $ 36,159.17 $ 36,159.17
Wade, James LEO Lecturer II Flint Mathematics $ 35,829.27 $ 35,829.28
Murphy, Allen LEO Lecturer I Flint Mathematics $ 31,347.92 $ 10,438.88
Campbell, Matthew LEO Lecturer I Flint Mathematics $ 30,615.26 $ 22,961.52
Lobban, Matthew D LEO Lecturer I Flint Mathematics $ 29,536.42 $ 19,671.28
Delcore, Alecia Charlotte LEO Lecturer I Flint Mathematics $ 28,760.00 $ 21,570.00
Boomer, Mary Margaret LEO Lecturer I Flint Mathematics $ 28,760.00 $ 9,577.12
Bisgin, Neslihan LEO Lecturer I Flint Mathematics $ 28,760.00 $ 19,154.16
Page: 1 of 1

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