List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Flint Financial Aid 10
Maximum Salary:$ 83,727.57
Average Salary:$ 62,235.81
Minimum Salary:$ 49,488.00

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Horgan, Mary E Financial Aid Assistant Dir Flint Financial Aid $ 83,727.57 $ 83,727.57
McComb, Sandra Financial Aid Assistant Dir Flint Financial Aid $ 72,660.00 $ 72,660.00
Hoppe, Kelli R Financial Aid Admin Senior Flint Financial Aid $ 67,500.15 $ 67,500.15
LaPratt, Jennifer Financial Aid Admin Senior Flint Financial Aid $ 63,777.60 $ 63,777.60
Cyrus, Sara Financial Aid Admin Senior Flint Financial Aid $ 63,654.00 $ 63,654.00
Kegebein, Ruth A Accountant Associate Flint Financial Aid $ 59,293.70 $ 59,293.70
Borza, Sarah Financial Aid Admin Inter Flint Financial Aid $ 57,097.64 $ 57,097.64
Lavery, Amy Financial Aid Admin Inter Flint Financial Aid $ 52,769.48 $ 52,769.48
Little, Gregory Financial Aid Admin Inter Flint Financial Aid $ 52,390.00 $ 52,390.00
Guest, David Financial Aid Admin Inter Flint Financial Aid $ 49,488.00 $ 49,488.00
Page: 1 of 1

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