List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Flint Educational Opportunity 18
Maximum Salary:$ 116,468.81
Average Salary:$ 41,017.36
Minimum Salary:$ 24,960.08

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Ganges, Tendaji W Program Director Reg Campus Flint Educational Opportunity $ 116,468.81 $ 116,468.81
Bazemore, Henry E Program Manager Flint Educational Opportunity $ 61,215.06 $ 61,215.06
Blakely, Clara B Program Manager Flint Educational Opportunity $ 50,346.08 $ 50,346.08
Day, Tawana L Program Manager Flint Educational Opportunity $ 49,546.79 $ 49,546.79
Bailey, Tonya C Program Manager Flint Educational Opportunity $ 47,607.74 $ 14,282.32
Flynn, Crystal A Diversity Trainer Flint Educational Opportunity $ 37,918.47 $ 37,918.47
Jones, James A Program Manager Flint Educational Opportunity $ 37,576.02 $ 11,272.81
Bortner, Chari S Program Manager Flint Educational Opportunity $ 37,304.39 $ 37,304.39
Overton, Patricia S Administrative Assistant Sr Flint Educational Opportunity $ 34,622.56 $ 34,622.64
Brand, Avery Edwin Program Manager Flint Educational Opportunity $ 34,611.20 $ 34,611.20
Pratt, Doron C Program Manager Flint Educational Opportunity $ 34,611.20 $ 5,191.68
Johnson, Brian Program Manager Flint Educational Opportunity $ 33,280.00 $ 16,640.00
Keener, Tonya La'Sohn Program Manager Flint Educational Opportunity $ 29,458.00 $ 8,837.40
Bassett, Barbara L Administrative Assistant Inter Flint Educational Opportunity $ 28,944.43 $ 28,944.50
Fisch-Ferguson, Jennifer R Secretary Senior Flint Educational Opportunity $ 27,561.97 $ 27,562.08
Torbert, Bianca S Secretary Intermediate Flint Educational Opportunity $ 26,570.59 $ 7,971.21
Coleman, Sonja L Secretary Intermediate Flint Educational Opportunity $ 25,709.09 $ 25,709.06
Eskridge, Prudence Ann Secretary Intermediate Flint Educational Opportunity $ 24,960.08 $ 7,488.00
Page: 1 of 1

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