List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis 9
Maximum Salary:$ 228,800.00
Average Salary:$ 112,579.44
Minimum Salary:$ 56,000.10

2022-23 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Schroeders, Jacqueline Financial Analysis Top Exec Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis $ 228,800.00 $ 228,800.00
Tuton, James Financial Senior Manager Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis $ 180,000.00 $ 180,000.00
Bourlier, Sheryl M Financial Senior Manager Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis $ 109,200.00 $ 109,200.00
Bressler, Kay Ellen Financial or Bus Analyst Ld Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis $ 104,955.55 $ 104,955.55
Tamer, Therese A Financial or Bus Analyst Ld Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00
Thomas, Matthew Financial or Bus Analyst Sr Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis $ 88,046.40 $ 88,046.40
Keller, Lori Financial or Bus Analyst Sr Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis $ 84,961.55 $ 84,961.55
Wagner-Mallory, Eileen M Administrative Assistant Sr Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis $ 61,251.32 $ 61,251.32
Preis, Lori Admin Coord/Project Coord Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis $ 56,000.10 $ 56,000.00
Page: 1 of 1

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