List of Departments

Number of people in this department: EECS - CSE Division 131
Maximum Salary:$ 252,150.00
Average Salary:$ 107,402.81
Minimum Salary:$ 39,000.00

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Shin, Kang Geun PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 252,150.00 $ 138,682.50
Mudge, Trevor N PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 224,375.00 $ 123,406.25
Hayes, John Patrick PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 215,875.00 $ 151,112.50
Jagadish, Hosagrahar V PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 215,250.00 $ 182,962.50
Baveja, Satinder Singh PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 211,750.00 $ 125,072.26
Halderman, John Alexander PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 205,000.00 $ 102,500.00
Wellman, Michael P PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 203,500.00 $ 10,175.00
Laird, John E PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 201,105.00 $ 140,773.50
Kuipers, Benjamin PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 199,100.00 $ 186,158.50
Sakallah, Karem A PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 191,000.00 $ 191,000.00
Noble, Brian D CHAIR EECS - CSE Division $ 184,870.00 $ 92,435.00
Noble, Brian D PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 184,870.00 $ 92,435.00
Chen, Peter M PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 182,000.00 $ 182,000.00
Mazumder, Pinaki PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 181,220.00 $ 163,098.00
Austin, Todd M PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 180,500.00 $ 126,350.00
Prakash, Atul PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 171,500.00 $ 85,750.00
Durfee, Edmund H PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 171,000.00 $ 156,596.67
Soloway, Elliot PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 169,000.00 $ 169,000.00
Mahlke, Scott PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 167,500.00 $ 83,750.00
Ackerman, Mark Steven Professor EECS - CSE Division $ 164,693.00 $ 78,718.31
Honeyman, Peter RESEARCH PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 164,147.00 $ 0.00
Stout, Quentin F PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 161,870.00 $ 161,870.00
Mihalcea, Rada PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 154,500.00 $ 133,472.55
Jenkins, Odest Chadwicke ASSOC PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 153,145.00 $ 145,487.75
Flinn, Jason Nelson PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 150,500.00 $ 135,450.00
Mao, Zhuoqing PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 149,500.00 $ 0.00
Bertacco, Valeria M PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 148,000.00 $ 51,800.00
Kieras, David Edward PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 146,600.00 $ 62,304.96
Cormier, Kelly A Bus Admin Staff Specialist EECS - CSE Division $ 145,000.00 $ 145,000.00
Weimer, Westley R PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 144,000.00 $ 144,000.00
Page: 1 of 5

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