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Number of people in this department: Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts 39
Maximum Salary:$ 133,948.00
Average Salary:$ 57,084.56
Minimum Salary:$ 28,300.00

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Pollard, Deborah Smith INTERIM CHAIR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 133,948.00 $ 83,718.00
Smith, Jonathan PROFESSOR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 127,985.12 $ 42,235.09
Smith, Jonathan CHAIR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 127,981.64 $ 85,747.70
Pollard, Deborah Smith PROFESSOR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 99,073.00 $ 37,152.38
Hughes, Paul M PROFESSOR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 95,521.00 $ 95,521.00
Erickson, Susan N PROFESSOR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 91,140.00 $ 91,140.00
Linker, Maureen PROFESSOR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 87,773.00 $ 87,773.00
Bond, Erik Curtin ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 74,812.00 $ 74,812.00
Baumgarten, Elias ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 74,265.00 $ 74,265.00
Rottner, Nadja ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 72,239.98 $ 36,119.99
Finlayson, Jennifer Caitlin ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 71,640.00 $ 71,640.00
Jarenski, Michelle L ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 71,208.00 $ 71,208.00
Ng, Diana Yi-Man ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 69,246.00 $ 34,623.00
Aijaz, Imran ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 68,688.00 $ 68,688.00
Weed, Stanley E LEO Lecturer II Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 58,136.44 $ 55,869.12
Skrbina, David Frank LEO Lecturer IV Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 54,064.69 $ 54,064.69
Gordon, Marlene E SR ASSOC CUR SLIDES/PHOTO Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 52,517.00 $ 52,517.00
McMillin, Calvin Lee LEO Lecturer III Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00
Madrigal, Elisa Administrative Specialist Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 49,000.00 $ 49,000.00
Lambert, Julie Marie LEO Lecturer III Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 46,972.30 $ 46,972.30
Roberts, Brian Scott LEO Lecturer II Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 40,175.03 $ 7,231.52
Nissen, James C LEO Lecturer II Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 39,489.57 $ 19,744.80
Barkey, Madeleine J LEO Lecturer II Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 39,473.36 $ 19,736.72
Culling, Richard E LEO Lecturer II Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 39,473.32 $ 19,736.66
Castile, Kevin K LEO Lecturer II Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 39,473.25 $ 9,868.32
Kirkland, Joseph Rober LEO Lecturer II Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 38,144.11 $ 38,144.16
Ryder, Jessica LEO Lecturer II Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 36,715.42 $ 18,357.76
Caron-Gatto, Lisa Jean LEO Lecturer II Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 36,080.79 $ 30,100.40
Cain, Brennan Secretary Intermediate Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 34,732.00 $ 34,732.00
Yeakel, Daniel James LEO Lecturer II Dbn-Literature Philosophy&Arts $ 34,250.05 $ 34,250.05
Page: 1 of 2

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