List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Dbn Financial and Budget Services 13
Maximum Salary:$ 119,587.32
Average Salary:$ 52,905.16
Minimum Salary:$ 31,049.98

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Gassel, Robert K Associate Vice Chancellor Dbn Financial and Budget Services $ 119,587.32 $ 107,628.59
Hornbacher, Noel G Assistant Controller Dbn Financial and Budget Services $ 85,928.00 $ 85,928.00
Southward, Linda L Regional Business Manager Dbn Financial and Budget Services $ 65,925.00 $ 65,925.00
Kennard, Judy R Financial or Bus Analyst Sr Dbn Financial and Budget Services $ 60,850.00 $ 60,850.00
Eglinton, Stacy A Accountant Senior Dbn Financial and Budget Services $ 55,020.00 $ 55,020.00
Furgiuele, Joanna Rosa Accountant Intermediate Dbn Financial and Budget Services $ 44,260.00 $ 44,260.00
Kecskes, Cynthia S Administrative Assistant Sr Dbn Financial and Budget Services $ 44,157.10 $ 39,741.39
Erridge, Karen A Accounts Payable Clerk Dbn Financial and Budget Services $ 37,549.72 $ 37,549.72
Cunningham, Karen R Customer Service Assistant Sr Dbn Financial and Budget Services $ 36,540.14 $ 36,540.14
Burns, Terry L Collection Interviewer Dbn Financial and Budget Services $ 36,499.84 $ 36,499.84
Cheatham, Janelle' Budget Analyst Associate Dbn Financial and Budget Services $ 36,000.12 $ 36,000.12
King, Linda G Customer Service Assistant Sr Dbn Financial and Budget Services $ 34,399.82 $ 34,399.82
McLaughlin, Barbara Ann Customer Service Rep Inter Dbn Financial and Budget Services $ 31,049.98 $ 31,049.98
Page: 1 of 1

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