List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Dbn Financial 10
Maximum Salary:$ 142,242.94
Average Salary:$ 76,957.23
Minimum Salary:$ 45,889.74

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hornbacher, Noel G Director Dbn Financial Services $ 142,242.94 $ 142,242.94
Roult, Dawn Assistant Controller Dbn Financial Services $ 108,293.26 $ 86,634.61
Wagner, Robin L Financial or Bus Analyst Sr Dbn Financial -Budget Services $ 89,205.50 $ 89,205.50
Dare, Jacqueline Accounts Receivable Manager Dbn Financial Services $ 84,434.66 $ 84,434.66
Eglinton, Stacy A Accountant Lead Dbn Financial Services $ 80,969.16 $ 80,969.16
Hawkins, Ian Accountant Intermediate Dbn Financial Services $ 57,400.00 $ 57,400.00
Tennant, Joanna Rosa Accountant Intermediate Dbn Financial Services $ 57,376.76 $ 57,376.76
Cunningham, Karen R Accounting Clerk Senior Dbn Financial Services $ 52,868.66 $ 52,868.72
King, Linda G Accounting Clerk Senior Dbn Financial Services $ 50,891.62 $ 50,891.60
McLaughlin, Barbara Ann Accounting Clerk Senior Dbn Financial Services $ 45,889.74 $ 45,889.64
Page: 1 of 1

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