List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Ctr for Educational Outreach 12
Maximum Salary:$ 164,105.00
Average Salary:$ 83,530.42
Minimum Salary:$ 50,000.08

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Lijana, Kim Director Ctr for Educational Outreach $ 164,105.00 $ 164,105.00
Ormsby, Ana Catalina Associate Director Ctr for Educational Outreach $ 121,241.00 $ 121,241.00
Turner, Michael Associate Director Ctr for Educational Outreach $ 115,206.00 $ 115,206.00
Saavedra, Laura Assistant Director Ctr for Educational Outreach $ 88,182.00 $ 88,182.00
Taylor, Marissa Nicole Assistant Director Ctr for Educational Outreach $ 80,031.00 $ 80,031.00
Johnson, Dyrel Student Affairs Program Mgr Ctr for Educational Outreach $ 73,850.00 $ 73,850.00
Samaha, Sheri Program Manager Ctr for Educational Outreach $ 72,105.00 $ 72,105.00
Junior-Robins, Antonio Program Manager Ctr for Educational Outreach $ 63,963.00 $ 63,963.00
Ahlquist-Cheung, Megan Program Manager Ctr for Educational Outreach $ 63,932.00 $ 63,932.00
Hackett, Tiffany Student Affairs Program Mgr Ctr for Educational Outreach $ 58,000.00 $ 58,000.00
Olive, Marchelle Administrative Assistant Sr Ctr for Educational Outreach $ 51,750.00 $ 51,750.00
Tuttle, Kristen Admin Coord/Project Coord Ctr for Educational Outreach $ 50,000.08 $ 50,000.00
Page: 1 of 1

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