List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Bo 43
Maximum Salary:$ 210,086.00
Average Salary:$ 75,191.79
Minimum Salary:$ 39,375.05

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Girard, Paul J Collections/Natural Areas Spec Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 56,128.14 $ 49,392.76
Kerner, Haley Student Affairs Program Mgr Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 55,692.00 $ 55,692.00
Parrish, Steven Collections/Natural Areas Spec Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 55,593.58 $ 55,593.58
Fernandez Mendez Jimenez, Daniela Annual Giving Officer Inter Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 54,600.00 $ 54,600.00
Ford, Alexis Meeting/Special Events Planner Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 53,957.66 $ 45,864.01
Butler, Calla Collections/Natural Areas Spec Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 52,500.00 $ 52,500.00
Stadler, Michael J Collections/Natural Areas Spec Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 51,359.05 $ 38,519.29
Tan, Monica Meeting/Event Coord Non Profit Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 51,188.80 $ 0.00
Raspbury McDermott, Jennifer M Administrative Assistant Assoc Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 46,999.94 $ 47,000.00
Chapman, Daniel J Facilities Assistant Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 45,424.08 $ 27,254.45
Seguin, Catherine Mae Marketing Assistant Associate Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 45,000.02 $ 0.00
Khan See, Shazmin Cust Svc Assistant Assoc Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 42,424.20 $ 16,969.68
Sanchez, Julian Cust Svc Assistant Assoc Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 39,375.05 $ 15,750.02
Page: 2 of 2

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