List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: vice 18
Maximum Salary:$ 416,898.00
Average Salary:$ 276,694.11
Minimum Salary:$ 143,437.03

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Sellers, Tabbye Chavous VICE PROVOST ODEI $ 416,898.00 $ 390,633.43
Brumfield, Adele C Vice Provost Enrollment Mgmt VPEM Administration $ 376,816.00 $ 376,816.00
Bertacco, Valeria M VICE PROVOST VProv Engaged Learning $ 353,738.00 $ 265,304.00
Blair, Sara B VICE PROVOST Ofc Provost & Exec VP Acad Aff $ 348,401.00 $ 278,720.00
Dillard, Angela Denise VICE PROVOST Ofc Vice Prov Undergrad Educ $ 334,100.00 $ 267,280.00
Friese, Christopher Ryan VICE PROVOST Ofc Vice Prov Acad & Fac Aff $ 332,000.00 $ 265,600.00
Baker, Shalanda Helen VICE PROVOST Vice Prov Sustain and Climate $ 332,000.00 $ 332,000.00
Dadey, Bryan Christopher Vice Chancellor Dbn Office of Business Affairs $ 307,524.12 $ 307,524.12
Zakarian, Armen VICE PROVOST Dbn Office of the Provost $ 271,830.00 $ 271,830.00
Kettenbeil, Kenneth Vice Chancellor Dbn External Relations $ 244,903.73 $ 244,903.73
Ulbrich, Casandra Effie Vice Chancellor Dbn Institutional Advancement $ 240,775.40 $ 240,775.40
Stone, Melissa Vice Provost Enrollment Mgmt Dbn Office of the Provost $ 236,492.72 $ 236,492.72
Glasco, Gerald L Vice Chancellor Flint VC of Business & Finance $ 231,750.00 $ 231,750.00
Shumaker, Carrie E Vice Chancellor Dbn Information Technology Svc $ 228,174.00 $ 228,174.00
Giordano, Christopher Vice Chancellor Flint Div of Student Affairs $ 204,970.26 $ 204,970.26
Schrader, Shari Joanne Vice Chancellor Flint VC for Univ Advancement $ 190,383.79 $ 190,383.79
Thwaite, Sapna VICE PROVOST Flint Vice Provost Acad Affair $ 186,300.00 $ 186,300.00
Vedder, Lori L Vice Provost Enrollment Mgmt Flint Vice Provost for Enrollm $ 143,437.03 $ 143,437.03
Page: 1 of 1

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