List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: ultr 74
Maximum Salary:$ 92,818.67
Average Salary:$ 69,239.56
Minimum Salary:$ 55,683.16

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Doody, Kathleen Deanne Ultrasound Practitioner UMH Radiology UH $ 92,818.67 $ 0.00
Akers, Lindsay Brooke Ultrasound Practitioner UMH Radiology UH $ 90,493.75 $ 0.00
Converso-Baran, Kimber Ultrasound Technologist UMH Frankel CVC Administration $ 85,797.11 $ 0.00
Richter, Ronald Ultrasound Technologist CW Fetal Diagnostic Center $ 83,147.47 $ 0.00
Hughes, Kimberley Ultrasound Technologist UMH Cancer Center RAD $ 81,856.54 $ 0.00
Tucker, Janell Ultrasound Technologist UMH Cancer Center RAD $ 79,627.00 $ 0.00
Campbell, Helen Kathleen Ultrasound Technologist CW Radiology C & W $ 79,208.06 $ 0.00
Richter, Kristy Ultrasound Technologist CW Fetal Diagnostic Center $ 78,881.07 $ 0.00
Boon, Tracy A Ultrasound Technologist UMH Domino's RAD $ 78,630.29 $ 0.00
Rogers, Gail Ann Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 78,438.89 $ 0.00
Ehrich, Heidi N Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 78,247.60 $ 0.00
Kindred, Joan C Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 77,977.47 $ 0.00
Schafer, Allison Ann Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 77,939.79 $ 0.00
Slawski, Anita M Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 77,905.95 $ 0.00
Marks, Terri I Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 77,866.77 $ 0.00
DeDoes, Jill C Ultrasound Technologist CW Radiology C & W $ 77,788.69 $ 0.00
Sadowski, Wanda I Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 77,598.94 $ 0.00
Sanders, Rita Kay Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 77,598.94 $ 0.00
Pember, Tamara Lynn Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 77,560.56 $ 0.00
deChavez, Anne Marie Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 77,070.73 $ 0.00
Robertson, Brian L Ultrasound Technologist UMH Domino's RAD $ 76,993.98 $ 0.00
Kint, Kelten H Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 76,429.29 $ 0.00
Condino, Sue Ellen Ultrasound Technologist UMH OB/GYN Repro Endo Tech $ 75,644.96 $ 0.00
Rowland, Dana Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 74,578.40 $ 0.00
Stephens, Lindsey Nicole Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 74,397.21 $ 0.00
Kabrovich, Jessica Ultrasound Technologist UMH Taubman RAD $ 74,300.20 $ 0.00
Jerman, Jessica Ultrasonographer/Radiographer Health Service Ancillary Svc $ 73,865.24 $ 0.00
Baker, Tina R Ultrasonographer/Radiographer Health Service Ancillary Svc $ 73,864.88 $ 0.00
Lica, Diana Laura Ultrasound Technologist UMH Radiology UH $ 71,833.07 $ 0.00
Ashton, Irina Ovchinnikova Ultrasound Technologist CW Radiology C & W $ 70,008.53 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 3

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