List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: student affair 116
Maximum Salary:$ 293,822.00
Average Salary:$ 59,607.54
Minimum Salary:$ 29,777.25

2010-11 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Harper, E Royster Student Affairs Top Executive Office of VP Student Affairs $ 293,822.00 $ 293,822.00
Rullman, Loren John Student Affairs AVP Cocurricular Programs $ 183,817.92 $ 183,817.92
Taylor, Simone Himbeault Student Affairs AVP Studt Affs Assoc VP-Stu Lea De $ 175,589.21 $ 175,589.21
Anturkar, Anjali N Student Affairs AVP Student Affs Assoc VP-Fin - HR $ 167,107.20 $ 167,107.20
Siegel, Christine Schilling Student Affairs Sr Assoc Dir University Housing $ 129,615.42 $ 0.00
Merritt, James Gregory Student Affairs Sr Assoc Dir University Housing $ 117,657.60 $ 0.00
McCune, Patricia H Student Affairs Director Unit Graduate School Administration $ 105,488.19 $ 105,488.19
Ray-Johnson, Darlene Student Affairs Director Unit Graduate School Administration $ 104,764.66 $ 104,764.66
Ball, Kay L Student Affairs Sr Assoc Dir Unions-Administration $ 101,817.02 $ 0.00
Cusimano, Theresa Student Affairs Director Community Service Learning $ 101,000.00 $ 101,000.00
Meader, Ellen Waterson Student Affairs Program Mgr Graduate School Administration $ 85,426.56 $ 78,592.44
Schuon, M Suzanne Student Affairs Assistant Dir School of Information $ 81,774.00 $ 81,774.00
Segal, Stuart S Student Affairs Director Svc/Students with Disabilities $ 81,230.26 $ 81,230.26
Grant, Evangeline Student Affairs Director Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs $ 80,712.60 $ 80,712.60
Zabriskie, Michael S Student Affairs Director University Housing $ 79,076.21 $ 0.00
Edgren, Katherine K Student Affairs Director Health Svc General Operations $ 77,508.00 $ 0.00
Simpson, Jacqueline D Student Affairs Director Spectrum Center $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00
Burrell, Dieter L Student Affairs Program Mgr ICPSR-User Support $ 73,562.00 $ 0.00
Elkin, Florence Ellen Student Affairs Program Mgr MSA Office of Student Pgms $ 72,064.98 $ 43,238.99
Dotson, Cherie Rebecca Student Affairs Program Mgr College of Pharmacy $ 70,998.00 $ 67,448.10
Burmeister, Holly Student Affairs Director Sexual Assault Prev and Aware $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00
Wilgus, Jay Student Affairs Director OSCR $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00
Seiler, Mary Beth Student Affairs Director Office of Greek Life $ 69,677.76 $ 69,677.76
Jones, James Student Affairs Program Mgr ROSS SCH Doctoral Programs $ 68,340.00 $ 68,340.00
Mitchell, Deborah A Student Affairs Program Mgr Graduate School Administration $ 67,832.86 $ 0.00
Fisher, Roger Bernard Student Affairs Associate Dir Intergroup Relations $ 65,581.08 $ 65,581.08
Bartolacci, Natalie Ann Student Affairs Program Mgr Graduate School Administration $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
Salamey, Ali Student Affairs Program Mgr Graduate School Administration $ 64,452.50 $ 64,452.50
Sankaran, Amy Lynn Student Affairs Program Mgr Law School $ 64,284.00 $ 64,284.00
Woods, Rochelle Lynne Student Affairs Program Mgr OAMI Admin $ 62,800.00 $ 20,535.60
Page: 1 of 4

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