List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: sponsor 25
Maximum Salary:$ 154,500.00
Average Salary:$ 83,408.53
Minimum Salary:$ 60,000.00

2014-15 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Drake, Michael A Sponsored Res and Programs Dir CoE Research $ 154,500.00 $ 154,500.00
Reynolds, Craig Sponsored Res and Programs Dir Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 127,000.00 $ 127,000.00
Van Allen, Terry Sponsored Res and Programs Dir Flint Off of Res and Sponsor Pgm $ 106,113.13 $ 106,113.13
Coulter, Amanda Katherine Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Sr Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 97,000.00 $ 77,600.00
Campeau, Krista Lynn Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Sr Office of Research $ 96,900.00 $ 96,900.00
Longe, Jeffrey J Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Sr Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 92,200.00 $ 92,200.00
Nielsen, Anthony Leonard Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Sr Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 90,900.00 $ 90,900.00
Strzempek, Kathleen J Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Sr Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 89,000.00 $ 89,000.00
Kanous, Alexander Christophe Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Sr Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 88,400.00 $ 88,400.00
Maxwell, Therese G Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Sr Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 87,200.00 $ 87,200.00
Lankton, Stephen Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 81,900.00 $ 81,900.00
Althouse, Stacey E Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 78,800.00 $ 78,800.00
Haunert, Lark Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 78,300.00 $ 78,300.00
Haynes, Patricia J Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 76,500.00 $ 76,500.00
Gerdes, Mollie Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 74,600.00 $ 74,600.00
Vogler, Colleen L Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 74,100.00 $ 74,100.00
Burke, Lori Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 72,500.00 $ 58,000.00
Dill, Debra Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 71,400.00 $ 71,400.00
Woods, Patrick J Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 69,400.00 $ 69,400.00
Wenner, Beth Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 68,600.00 $ 68,600.00
Baxter, Emily Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 67,400.00 $ 67,400.00
Kennedy, Kullie Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 62,500.00 $ 62,500.00
Olivero, Julie Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00
Larkin, Tracey Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00
Holihan, Amy Marie Sponsored Res/Pgrm Admin Inter Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00
Page: 1 of 1

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