List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: sheet metal 9
Maximum Salary:$ 80,766.40
Average Salary:$ 80,766.40
Minimum Salary:$ 80,766.40

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Allain, Anthony Louis SHEET METAL WORKER Construction Services $ 80,766.40 $ 0.00
Blackmon, Joshua B SHEET METAL WORKER Metal Shops $ 80,766.40 $ 0.00
Damm, Charles D SHEET METAL WORKER Central Campus W Region $ 80,766.40 $ 0.00
Fink, Clint A SHEET METAL WORKER North Campus Region $ 80,766.40 $ 0.00
Jewell, Charles N SHEET METAL WORKER Central Campus E Region $ 80,766.40 $ 0.00
Mason, Robert P SHEET METAL WORKER Metal Shops $ 80,766.40 $ 0.00
Paschal, Donald D SHEET METAL WORKER Health Science Region $ 80,766.40 $ 0.00
Robertson, Michael L SHEET METAL WORKER Construction Services $ 80,766.40 $ 0.00
Vowles, Douglas A SHEET METAL WORKER Metal Shops $ 80,766.40 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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