List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: research as 236
Maximum Salary:$ 197,004.00
Average Salary:$ 93,552.02
Minimum Salary:$ 39,877.50

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 6 of 8
Name Title Department FTR GF
Watson, Christopher John RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Anesthesiology Department $ 77,266.00 $ 0.00
Stoll, Stefan W RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Dermatology Department $ 77,019.00 $ 0.00
Ferguson, Kelly Kay RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Environmental Health Sciences $ 77,000.00 $ 38,500.00
Liu, Yifan RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Pathology Department $ 76,561.00 $ 0.00
Vinnakota, Kalyan C RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Molec and Integrative Physiology $ 75,985.00 $ 0.00
Veliz, Philip Todd RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Inst/Research Women and Gender $ 75,850.00 $ 68,265.00
Heinze, Justin RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Hlth Behavior and Hlth Ed Dept $ 75,520.00 $ 3,775.60
Pal, Dinesh RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Anesthesiology Department $ 75,154.00 $ 0.00
Cras-Meneur, Corentin RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Metabolism Endo and Diabetes $ 75,150.00 $ 75,150.00
Tsoi, Lam Cheung RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Dermatology Department $ 75,000.00 $ 0.00
Xu, Bin RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Metabolism Endo and Diabetes $ 74,689.00 $ 0.00
Kryczek, Ilona E RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Surgery Department $ 74,601.73 $ 0.00
Carson, William F RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Pathology Department $ 73,026.00 $ 0.00
Tong, Xin RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Molec and Integrative Physiology $ 72,808.00 $ 0.00
Chen, Guoan RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Thoracic Surgery Section $ 72,794.74 $ 0.00
Li, Yong RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Dermatology Department $ 72,515.00 $ 0.00
Rittie, Laure RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Dermatology Department $ 72,515.00 $ 0.00
Colacino, Justin RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Environmental Health Sciences $ 72,400.00 $ 72,400.00
Schaller, Matthew A RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Pathology Department $ 72,316.00 $ 0.00
Zhang, Haoming RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Pharmacology Department $ 72,267.00 $ 0.00
Hinkovska-Galcheva, Vania RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Int Med-Nephrology $ 71,984.00 $ 0.00
Verhaegen, Monique RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Dermatology Department $ 71,740.00 $ 0.00
Cortes-Ortiz, Liliana RESEARCH ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR LSA Ecology and Evolutionary Bio $ 71,451.00 $ 35,725.50
Huynh, My-Hang RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Microbiology and Immunology $ 71,119.25 $ 7,111.90
Wu, Rong RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Pathology Department $ 70,866.00 $ 0.00
Subramanian, Chitra RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR GSA - Administration (GSA/ADM) $ 70,007.26 $ 0.00
Vittal, Ragini RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Int Med-Pulm./Critical Care $ 70,000.00 $ 0.00
Mor-Vaknin, Nirit RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Int Med-Infectious Diseases $ 69,752.00 $ 0.00
Chen, Jianyong RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Int Med-Hematology/Oncology $ 68,851.67 $ 0.00
Yang, Chao-Yie RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Int Med-Hematology/Oncology $ 68,844.00 $ 0.00
Page: 6 of 8

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