List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: plac/career svc 12
Maximum Salary:$ 116,873.34
Average Salary:$ 85,338.29
Minimum Salary:$ 71,705.16

2020-21 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Gonis, Sue Ann Plac/Career Svc Assoc Dir Unit ROSS SCH Executive MBA Program $ 116,873.34 $ 87,655.00
Humphrey-DeLosh, Donna Plac/Career Svc Assoc Dir Unit ROSS SCH Executive MBA Program $ 107,523.48 $ 107,523.48
Morgan, Lisa Plac/Career Svc Assoc Dir Unit ROSS SCH Dev&Alum Rltns-Oprtns $ 96,000.00 $ 0.00
Jackson, Louise Plac/Career Svc Assoc Dir Unit Alumni Association $ 89,010.00 $ 0.00
Trakul, Greta Plac/Career Svc Assoc Dir Unit Law School $ 80,005.00 $ 80,005.00
Alpern, Pyper Kerinn Logan Plac/Career Svc Assoc Dir Unit Law School $ 79,608.00 $ 79,608.00
Saenz, Shelagh W Plac/Career Svc Assoc Dir Unit SPHDO-Graduate Student Service $ 78,169.00 $ 78,169.00
Linder, Anne Plac/Career Svc Assoc Dir Unit Law School $ 76,688.00 $ 76,688.00
Macey, Melanie Plac/Career Svc Assoc Dir Unit Law School $ 76,477.46 $ 53,534.22
Bretz, Emily Plac/Career Svc Assoc Dir Unit Law School $ 76,000.00 $ 76,000.00
Conley, Diamond Plac/Career Svc Assoc Dir Unit Law School $ 76,000.00 $ 76,000.00
Richardson, Ashley Plac/Career Svc Assoc Dir Unit SEAS Office of Academic Prgms $ 71,705.16 $ 71,705.16
Page: 1 of 1

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