List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: physical therap 268
Maximum Salary:$ 155,624.11
Average Salary:$ 86,895.19
Minimum Salary:$ 50,062.80

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 9
Name Title Department FTR GF
Buis, Carol A Physical Therapist UMH Spine Physical-Occ Therapy $ 101,685.16 $ 0.00
Sprifke, Robert Physical Therapist UMH Northville Therapy $ 101,504.55 $ 0.00
Murphy, Katherine M Physical Therapist BCSC CMC Therapy $ 101,504.55 $ 0.00
Brinkey, Lori L Physical Therapist UMH PM&R WSS PTOT S.IND/PRC $ 101,065.74 $ 0.00
FitzGerald, Tina Physical Therapist UMH Northville Therapy $ 101,021.20 $ 0.00
Tapley, Christopher D Physical Therapy Supervisor CW PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 100,978.32 $ 0.00
Paras, Rico L Physical Therapist UMH Spine Physical-Occ Therapy $ 100,960.13 $ 0.00
Bird, Michele Marie Physical Therapist UMH PT & OT Clinic - Canton $ 100,537.84 $ 0.00
Craig, Rachael Jane Physical Therapist UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 100,296.16 $ 0.00
DeMott, Trina K Physical Therapist UMH PMR IP OTPT Rehab $ 100,296.16 $ 0.00
Raymond, Danielle F Physical Therapist UMH PMR-Med Rehab PT-OT $ 100,296.16 $ 0.00
Mikas, Marija Physical Therapist UMH PMR-Med Rehab PT-OT $ 100,296.16 $ 0.00
Dyer, Laura Elizabeth Physical Therapist UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 100,296.16 $ 0.00
Chawla, Rohit Physical Therapist UMH PMR OP OTPT $ 100,296.16 $ 0.00
Wild, Argie V Physical Therapist UMH PT & OT Clinic - Canton $ 100,296.16 $ 0.00
Munday, Cynthia E Physical Therapist UMH Spine Physical-Occ Therapy $ 100,296.16 $ 0.00
McAllister, Sarah Joy Physical Therapist CW PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 100,074.67 $ 0.00
Tarro, Heidi Physical Therapist BCSC CMC Therapy $ 100,054.49 $ 0.00
Schlager-Kass, Davida Physical Therapist Michigan Visiting Nurse Assoc $ 100,054.49 $ 0.00
Thomas, Aby Physical Therapist Michigan Visiting Nurse Assoc $ 99,861.14 $ 0.00
Stoops, Lucille Physical Therapist Michigan Visiting Nurse Assoc $ 99,861.14 $ 0.00
Spencer, Michele Ann Physical Therapist UMH Spine Physical-Occ Therapy $ 99,822.02 $ 0.00
Panganiban, Lizabella O Physical Therapist UMH Northville Therapy $ 99,812.81 $ 0.00
Samsundar, Imelda C Physical Therapist UMH PT & OT Clinic - Canton $ 99,667.80 $ 0.00
Behnke, Elaine Physical Therapist UMH Peds OP OT-PT at Milestone $ 99,667.80 $ 0.00
Casedy, Amy L Physical Therapist UMH Peds OP OT-PT at Milestone $ 99,667.80 $ 0.00
Agno, Diane Physical Therapist UMH PMR-Med Rehab PT-OT $ 99,667.80 $ 0.00
Riedeman, Ruth Ann Physical Therapist UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 99,571.13 $ 0.00
Rufe, Diane C Physical Therapist UMH Spine Physical-Occ Therapy $ 99,571.13 $ 0.00
Kufel, Gary J Physical Therapist UMH MedSport Dominos Tech $ 99,571.13 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 9

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