List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: patient care 393
Maximum Salary:$ 57,009.68
Average Salary:$ 31,810.58
Minimum Salary:$ 22,880.00

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 8 of 14
Name Title Department FTR GF
Salmons, Shannon M Patient Care Tech Associate UMH - Radiology UH $ 31,007.86 $ 0.00
Schley, Donald Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Cardiac Cath Lab Tech $ 30,992.00 $ 0.00
Sparks, Elsie May Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH 4A Neuro-Neurosurg $ 30,893.46 $ 0.00
Henderson, Zakiya G Patient Care Tech Associate UMH CVC-5 $ 30,893.46 $ 0.00
Hartung, Lori Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas $ 30,888.00 $ 0.00
Jackson, Tina Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Nursing 8B Gyn/Onc $ 30,826.12 $ 0.00
Sineveck, Stefanie Marie Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 4A Neuro-Neurosurg $ 30,761.12 $ 0.00
Ellis, Michelle Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH 4A Neuro-Neurosurg $ 30,752.02 $ 0.00
Saba, Christine Kelly Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH Nursing 4D Neuro ICU $ 30,752.02 $ 0.00
Liu, Yang Yang Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Nursing 6C Pulmonary $ 30,752.02 $ 0.00
Ulrich, Katie Nicole Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 4A Neuro-Neurosurg $ 30,752.02 $ 0.00
Snead, Stacey Marie Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH Nsg Mott Ped ICU $ 30,742.40 $ 0.00
Young, Heather M Patient Care Tech Associate UMH - Radiology UH $ 30,604.86 $ 0.00
La Vigne, Rhonda Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Nursing 5D SICU $ 30,603.30 $ 0.00
Thomas, Christina Marie Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH Chronic Hemodial - Tech $ 30,529.20 $ 0.00
Cogswell, Lisa Brandie Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Hem/Onc 8A Bmt $ 30,472.78 $ 0.00
Laing, Kathleen V Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Oper Rooms - Univ Hospital $ 30,451.98 $ 0.00
Lopez, Elva Rosa Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 7 B/C Cardiology $ 30,434.04 $ 0.00
Lindquist, Kristin Diane Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH Ped Cardio/Thor ICU $ 30,414.80 $ 0.00
Buers, Jacque Lorraine Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Nursing 7D Ccu $ 30,368.00 $ 0.00
Austin, Robert A Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Histocompatibility $ 30,335.50 $ 0.00
Titus, Robin Lynn Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH PACU - CVC $ 30,319.90 $ 0.00
Alongi, Kelly Patient Care Tech Associate UMH CVC-5 $ 30,250.74 $ 0.00
Nemeth, Charity Constance Patient Care Tech Associate UMH CVC-5 $ 30,250.74 $ 0.00
Wisniewski, Renee J Patient Care Tech Associate UMH CVC-5 $ 30,250.74 $ 0.00
Brown, Summer Deloria Patient Care Tech Associate UMH CVC-5 $ 30,243.20 $ 0.00
Push, Adrienne C Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Ped Cardio/Thor ICU $ 30,176.12 $ 0.00
Hubbard, Sarah Elizabeth Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Nursing 5D SICU $ 30,099.16 $ 0.00
Smith, Christopher Dou Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH Clinical Lab Admin $ 30,078.36 $ 0.00
Kelley-Smyth, Janice Sue Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH Oper Room - Mott $ 30,025.32 $ 0.00
Page: 8 of 14

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