List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: patient care 416
Maximum Salary:$ 57,009.68
Average Salary:$ 31,796.36
Minimum Salary:$ 23,587.20

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 13 of 14
Name Title Department FTR GF
Angell, David Paul Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH Sleep Laboratory $ 27,118.26 $ 0.00
Stump Jr, Calvin Edward Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas $ 27,101.36 $ 0.00
Bynum, Kendra F Patient Care Monitor Assistant UMH 4A Neuro-Neurosurg $ 27,096.42 $ 0.00
Harrington, Sharday Renee Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH Med Equip Operating $ 27,040.00 $ 0.00
Breish, Laura Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 4B Surgical $ 27,040.00 $ 0.00
Flowers, Nerissa Patient Care Tech Associate UMH TC-Adult Medical OBS Unit $ 27,040.00 $ 0.00
Hopkins, Erik Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 8D Intermediate $ 27,040.00 $ 0.00
Muns, Emily Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 4A Neuro-Neurosurg $ 27,040.00 $ 0.00
Peltier, Andrea Therese Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 4B Surgical $ 27,040.00 $ 0.00
Randazzo, Corey Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 4A Neuro-Neurosurg $ 27,040.00 $ 0.00
Morris, Emily Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH Oper Rooms - Univ Hospital $ 26,998.40 $ 0.00
Green, Clarissa Ann Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 7 B/C Cardiology $ 26,908.44 $ 0.00
Burnette, Kali Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas $ 26,873.60 $ 0.00
Carey, Mark Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas $ 26,873.60 $ 0.00
Lundell, Tammy Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas $ 26,873.60 $ 0.00
Andrews, Kimberly Ann Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Cardiovascular Center 4 $ 26,737.10 $ 0.00
Sweet, Deborah Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas $ 26,715.78 $ 0.00
Shultes, Stacey L Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas $ 26,694.20 $ 0.00
Heslip, Lynne Marie Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas $ 26,544.44 $ 0.00
Edwards, Camille Patient Care Tech Associate UMH TC-Adult Medical OBS Unit $ 26,520.00 $ 0.00
Wludyka, Marisa Alicia Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Hem/Onc 8A Bmt $ 26,520.00 $ 0.00
Brantley, Lauren Danielle Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Cardiovascular Center 4 $ 26,415.74 $ 0.00
Bacon, Amanda Patient Care Tech Associate UMH CVC-5 $ 26,374.40 $ 0.00
Thomas, Sonda LaSha Patient Care Tech Assistant UMH Operating Rooms - CVC $ 26,249.60 $ 0.00
Martin, LaTrice Patient Care Tech Associate UMH CVC-5 $ 26,230.10 $ 0.00
Anderson, Nathaniel James Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 7 B/C Cardiology $ 26,223.08 $ 0.00
Radtke, Mary Catharine Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 7C Cardiology $ 26,223.08 $ 0.00
Henderson, Jacquelyn E Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 26,208.26 $ 0.00
Buchanan, Jennifer Laine Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Nursing 8B Gyn/Onc $ 26,208.00 $ 0.00
Mathison, Jenny Patient Care Tech Associate UMH Hem/Onc 8A Bmt $ 26,208.00 $ 0.00
Page: 13 of 14

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