List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: office svcs assistant 21
Maximum Salary:$ 47,725.08
Average Salary:$ 36,462.10
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Holliday, Ronotta Office Svcs Assistant Inter Michigan Radio $ 47,725.08 $ 0.00
Krajcik, Michael Office Svcs Assistant Inter Sch of Public Hlth-Dean's Ofc $ 45,724.00 $ 45,724.00
Zontini, Carl A Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ISR-Business Services Admin $ 44,854.00 $ 0.00
Parish, Wilma Office Svcs Assistant Assoc SEAS General Operations $ 38,633.44 $ 38,633.44
Tally, Keith Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 38,387.70 $ 38,387.73
Roper, Rodney Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 37,041.94 $ 37,042.00
Lamb, Alexis Office Svcs Assistant Assoc Wallace House $ 37,000.08 $ 0.00
Hall, Michael Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ISR-Mail Room $ 36,601.00 $ 0.00
Larsen, Hannah Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ISR-Mail Room $ 36,599.94 $ 0.00
Susack, Mona Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 35,667.06 $ 35,667.03
Schoener, Holly Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 35,616.88 $ 35,617.00
Williams, Stephanie Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 35,260.94 $ 35,261.00
Davis, Jonathan Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 34,193.12 $ 34,193.00
Odom, Jordan Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 34,087.82 $ 34,087.75
Mason, Brenda Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 33,835.88 $ 33,836.00
Campbell, Brian Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 33,094.88 $ 33,094.77
Black, Eric Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 32,768.06 $ 32,768.00
Roberts II, Chad Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 32,412.12 $ 32,412.00
Criss, Sharron Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 32,100.12 $ 32,100.00
Bowers, Lance Office Svcs Assistant Assoc ROSS SCH Operations $ 32,100.12 $ 32,100.00
Belingheri, Nicole Office Svcs Assistant Assoc Unions-Maintenance $ 32,000.02 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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