List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: occupational therapis 78
Maximum Salary:$ 109,591.73
Average Salary:$ 99,225.97
Minimum Salary:$ 83,560.81

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Demars, Cathy A Occupational Therapist MM UH CVC Therapeutic Svcs $ 109,591.73 $ 0.00
Lin, Karen Tieng Occupational Therapist MM Peds OP OT-PT at Milestone $ 108,889.46 $ 0.00
Riggs, Jeanne M Occupational Therapist MM OT Hand Therapy - Dominos $ 108,573.58 $ 0.00
Krishnan, Jasmine Occupational Therapist MM OT Hand Therapy - Dominos $ 108,573.23 $ 0.00
Ban, Matthew Occupational Therapist MM PM&R BRL OT Services FLR 3 $ 108,102.31 $ 0.00
Berenz, Tanya Occupational Therapist MM Acute Care Team $ 107,282.83 $ 0.00
Dalton, Jackie Occupational Therapist MM Acute Care Team $ 106,623.11 $ 0.00
Morrison, Alice Occupational Therapist MM Peds Acute Care $ 106,499.03 $ 0.00
Hiser, Kurt M Occupational Therapist MM OT Hand Therapy - Ortho $ 106,241.17 $ 0.00
Burrows, Jennifer Marie Occupational Therapist MM OT Hand Therapy - Dominos $ 106,241.17 $ 0.00
Brawn, Kristen Marie Occupational Therapist MM PT & OT Clinic - Canton $ 105,838.82 $ 0.00
Kauranen, Karen Occupational Therapist MM Acute Care Team $ 105,710.17 $ 0.00
May, Doretta Occupational Therapist MM Mich Visiting Nurse Assoc $ 104,550.63 $ 0.00
Shuart, Holly L Occupational Therapist MM Acute Care Team $ 104,242.78 $ 0.00
Richardson, Amber Colleen Occupational Therapist MM PM&R BRL OT Services FLR 3 $ 104,188.46 $ 0.00
Williams, Melissa Jean Occupational Therapist MM Acute Care Team $ 103,965.01 $ 0.00
Howson, Ashley Fraser Occupational Therapist MM KEC Occupational Therapy $ 103,616.10 $ 0.00
Courter, Theresa A Occupational Therapist MM PT & OT Clinic - Canton $ 103,595.67 $ 0.00
Patel, Monal Occupational Therapist MM Acute Care Team $ 102,192.89 $ 0.00
Kleine, Tobi K Occupational Therapist MM Acute Care Team $ 102,050.39 $ 0.00
Hoag, Patrick E Occupational Therapist MM PMR-Med Rehab PT-OT $ 102,050.39 $ 0.00
Potocsky, Rachel Marie Occupational Therapist MM Northville Therapy $ 101,542.86 $ 0.00
David, Christelle Marie Occupational Therapist MM BCSC CMC Therapy $ 101,542.86 $ 0.00
Lambarth, Jennifer Occupational Therapist MM Acute Care Team $ 100,188.01 $ 0.00
Cardillo, Charlene Occupational Therapist MM Acute Care Team $ 99,828.63 $ 0.00
Simmons, Augusta Occupational Therapist MM Northville Therapy $ 99,820.61 $ 0.00
Kerby, Beverlee Occupational Therapist MM BCSC CMC Therapy $ 99,536.54 $ 0.00
Coughlin, Colleen Marie Occupational Therapist MM OT Hand Therapy - Ortho $ 99,536.54 $ 0.00
Hubbert, Monica Occupational Therapist MM BCSC CMC Therapy $ 99,536.54 $ 0.00
Pero, Jamie Occupational Therapist MM Peds OP OT-PT at Milestone $ 99,500.10 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 3

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