List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: mktg 93
Maximum Salary:$ 100,935.34
Average Salary:$ 69,071.79
Minimum Salary:$ 45,000.00

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Curtis, Ann Mktg Communications Sr Supr Office of Research $ 100,935.34 $ 0.00
Larowe, Erin M Mktg Communications Sr Supr Surgery Department $ 97,129.00 $ 0.00
Kasiborski, Michael Mktg Communications Sr Supr SPHDO-Marketing & Communicatio $ 97,000.00 $ 97,000.00
Spooner, Amy Marie Mktg Communications Specialist A. Alfred Taubman CA&UP Adm $ 96,822.00 $ 96,822.00
Szczepanski, Marcin Mktg Communications Sr Supr CoE Communications & Marketing $ 96,350.00 $ 96,350.00
June, Catharine Schwab Mktg Communications Inter Supr COE EECS - ECE Division $ 96,300.00 $ 96,300.00
Robinson, Hilary Mktg Communications Specialist Michigan Creative $ 95,997.24 $ 0.00
Crang, Steven Mktg Communications Inter Supr EECS - CSE Division $ 94,926.00 $ 94,926.00
Lewis, MaryBeth B Mktg Communications Specialist College of Pharmacy $ 94,325.00 $ 0.00
VanStratt, Megan Mktg Communications Sr Supr Emergency Med Critical Care $ 93,488.63 $ 0.00
Wegrecki, Angela Mktg Communications Inter Supr Mechanical Engineering $ 92,925.00 $ 92,925.00
Logan, Benjamin Mktg Communications Inter Supr CoE Communications & Marketing $ 91,961.00 $ 91,961.00
Whitehouse, Bradley K Mktg Communications Inter Supr CoE Communications & Marketing $ 91,961.00 $ 91,961.00
Wells, Alison Mktg Communications Inter Supr CoE Communications & Marketing $ 89,006.00 $ 89,006.00
Hagy, Jeanette Rita Mktg Communications Sr Supr Alumni Association $ 87,367.00 $ 0.00
Bullock, Glenda Mktg Communications Sr Supr School of Information $ 87,183.00 $ 87,183.00
Baier, Brandon James Towsley Mktg Communications Inter Supr Biomedical Engineering $ 85,350.00 $ 85,350.00
Parry (Jr), Dale D Mktg Communications Sr Supr School of Information $ 85,078.00 $ 85,078.00
Fair, Dana Ondrei Mktg Communications Specialist ITS Communications $ 81,897.00 $ 81,897.00
Guenther, Heather Mktg Communications Inter Supr Chemical Engineering Dept $ 81,412.00 $ 81,412.00
Thiry, David D Mktg Communications Specialist Michigan Creative $ 80,410.49 $ 0.00
Brichta, Rachel Elizabeth Mktg Communications Inter Supr LSA International Institute $ 80,300.00 $ 80,300.00
Shelton, Annalee Mktg Communications Inter Supr ICPSR - Membership Archives $ 80,000.00 $ 0.00
Kowalchyk, Suzanne Mktg Communications Specialist Michigan Creative $ 79,567.50 $ 0.00
Snyder, Matthew E Mktg Communications Specialist University HR Communications $ 76,500.00 $ 13,770.00
McCabe, Irene Mktg Communications Inter Supr Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 75,530.35 $ 0.00
Conlin, Jennifer Mktg Communications Specialist Alumni Association $ 74,283.00 $ 0.00
Iverson, Joel Mktg Communications Specialist ITS Communications $ 72,924.00 $ 72,924.00
Mondro, Liza Mktg Communications Specialist Michigan Creative $ 72,406.43 $ 0.00
Dolega, Jean Mktg Communications Specialist University HR Communications $ 72,178.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 4

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