List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: mktg 48
Maximum Salary:$ 86,219.92
Average Salary:$ 58,498.61
Minimum Salary:$ 42,230.00

2011-12 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Nisbet, Betsy S Mktg Communications Sr Supr Ophthalmology - Visual Science $ 86,219.92 $ 0.00
Loveless, Margaret A Mktg Communications Sr Supr ITS Admin Communication $ 82,670.00 $ 0.00
Calhoun, Terry P Mktg Communications Sr Supr SOE-Affiliates $ 80,007.00 $ 0.00
West, Catherine V Mktg Communications Inter Supr School of Art and Design $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00
Horvath, Stefanie Mktg Communications Specialist NextGen Michigan Program Ofc $ 80,000.00 $ 0.00
Girardi, Rita Angela Mktg Communications Specialist NextGen Michigan Program Ofc $ 72,500.00 $ 0.00
Helfrich, Michele Denise Mktg Communications Specialist ITS Admin Communication $ 70,000.00 $ 0.00
Fair, Dana Ondrei Mktg Communications Specialist ITS Admin Communication $ 70,000.00 $ 0.00
Bullock, Glenda Mktg Communications Specialist School of Information $ 69,025.00 $ 69,025.00
Gretzinger, Ruth R Mktg Communications Specialist Michigan Marketing and Design $ 67,380.23 $ 0.00
Sauceda, Lesly J Mktg Communications Specialist ITS Admin Communication $ 66,312.00 $ 0.00
Sheler-Edwards, Maria L Mktg Communications Specialist ITS Admin Communication $ 65,967.00 $ 65,967.00
Seagram, Laura A Mktg Communications Specialist Unions-Administration $ 64,704.27 $ 0.00
June, Catharine Schwab Mktg Communications Specialist COE EECS - ECE Division $ 64,125.00 $ 64,125.00
Crang, Steven Mktg Communications Specialist COE EECS - CSE Division $ 62,050.00 $ 62,050.00
Katterman, Lee Mktg Communications Specialist Office of Budget - Planning $ 62,000.00 $ 62,000.00
Snyder, Matthew E Mktg Communications Specialist HR Strategy - Planning $ 61,650.00 $ 11,097.00
Nickson, Mary Mktg Communications Specialist ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 61,004.89 $ 0.00
Ciesinski, Kathleen Mktg Communications Sr Supr Office of Student Publications $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Yocum, Paula E Mktg Communications Specialist CoE Ctr for Professional Devel $ 59,628.00 $ 14,907.00
Cece, Anthony J Mktg Communications Specialist LSA English Language - Lit. $ 57,303.00 $ 57,303.00
Tupac, Kerianne M Mktg Communications Specialist University Productions $ 57,160.52 $ 57,160.52
Bergquist, Aimee Saling Mktg Communications Specialist Ophthalmology - Visual Science $ 56,999.21 $ 0.00
Copsey, Suzanne T Mktg Communications Specialist Michigan Marketing and Design $ 56,757.28 $ 0.00
Bergman, Katharina Mktg Communications Specialist UMHS Dev - Communications $ 56,315.25 $ 0.00
Dolega, Jean Mktg Communications Specialist HR Strategy - Planning $ 56,309.00 $ 0.00
Frisch, Wendy L Mktg Communications Specialist HR Strategy - Planning $ 55,797.00 $ 16,739.10
Abed, Helene Dominique Mktg Communications Specialist ROSS SCH Erb Institute $ 55,724.47 $ 0.00
Nordstrom, Jennifer K Mktg Communications Sr Supr OUA Recruitment Administration $ 54,763.60 $ 54,763.60
Swisher, Sandra Gaye Mktg Communications Specialist Chemical Engineering Dept $ 54,677.00 $ 43,741.60
Page: 1 of 2

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