List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: media cons 16
Maximum Salary:$ 54,495.48
Average Salary:$ 44,418.40
Minimum Salary:$ 36,250.72

2011-12 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Terzian, Alexander K Media Consultant Comp Med and Bioinformatics $ 54,495.48 $ 43,596.38
Deloach, Shawn P Media Consultant Law School $ 51,693.00 $ 51,692.94
Eberle, Stephen E Media Consultant Library Dean - DMC Studios $ 50,703.47 $ 30,422.08
Hamm, Breanna Media Consultant Library Pub Svcs - GL Ref/UGL $ 50,000.08 $ 50,000.08
Alder, Jeffrey Gerard Media Consultant Library Dean - DMC Studios $ 48,912.24 $ 48,912.24
Wilcox, Ryan N Media Consultant Library Dean - DMC Studios $ 48,713.08 $ 48,713.08
Pyke, James J Media Consultant Instructional Support Services $ 47,389.00 $ 11,847.23
Hytinen, David N Media Consultant Library Admin - DSS $ 45,391.06 $ 45,391.06
Uhle, Frank A Media Consultant Instructional Support Services $ 41,579.98 $ 41,579.98
Bell, Alan E Media Consultant Educational Technology Svcs $ 41,172.40 $ 24,703.79
Daftuar, Rishi Media Consultant Library Dean - DMC Studios $ 41,000.18 $ 41,000.18
Stork, Michael Media Consultant ITS AIS Resource Pools $ 40,800.00 $ 40,799.98
Windsor, Anne Moray Media Consultant Instructional Support Services $ 38,157.08 $ 38,157.08
Grenier, Theodore R Media Consultant Instructional Support Services $ 37,691.00 $ 37,690.90
Newman, Caleb Media Consultant Educational Technology Svcs $ 36,745.58 $ 0.00
Mason, Marilyn Media Consultant Educational Technology Svcs $ 36,250.72 $ 36,250.76
Page: 1 of 1

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