List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: licensed practical nurs 107
Maximum Salary:$ 49,831.60
Average Salary:$ 41,959.42
Minimum Salary:$ 31,304.00

2007-08 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Schmidt, Barbara Ann Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Nsg Caph Level 5 And Cap6 $ 44,839.60 $ 0.00
Czubenko, Taisa Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Nsg 9C $ 44,837.00 $ 0.00
Deshano, Michelle A Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Otolaryngology Prof $ 44,834.66 $ 0.00
Blackburn, Julie Ann Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Brighton Core $ 44,609.24 $ 0.00
Clark, Teresa Anne Licensed Practical Nurse UMH BHA Specialty - Technical $ 44,563.48 $ 0.00
Kitchen, Sarah F Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Recovery Rm-Radiology $ 44,562.70 $ 0.00
Hay, Anita L Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Derm Taubman Facility $ 44,548.14 $ 0.00
Poole, Mary B Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Gen Med Taubman 3B Pro $ 44,480.28 $ 0.00
Hayes, Sheila Ann Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 44,172.70 $ 0.00
Scott, Karen A Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Nursing Mott 5 West $ 44,155.28 $ 0.00
Spence, Jacquelyn Denise Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Photochem/Psoriasis Svcs $ 44,044.52 $ 0.00
Blevins, Cheryl L Licensed Practical Nurse UMH East Aahc Gen Ped - Prof $ 44,043.22 $ 0.00
Bradbury, Pamela A Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Livonia Core $ 44,026.58 $ 0.00
Reuter, Debra L Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Trauma Burn ICU $ 44,025.54 $ 0.00
Colsher, Christine A Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Photochem/Psoriasis Svcs $ 43,915.56 $ 0.00
VanSlyke, Elaine D Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Howell - Pediatrics $ 43,256.72 $ 0.00
Zolkosky, Patricia A Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Photochem/Psoriasis Svcs $ 43,184.70 $ 0.00
Gabut, Filomena Fiesta Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Nursing 6A $ 43,148.04 $ 0.00
Blumhardt, Terese B Licensed Practical Nurse Health Svc Clinic Operations $ 43,073.42 $ 0.00
Brown, Susan Kay Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Clinic Operations Tech $ 42,741.40 $ 0.00
Brown, Leslie Ann Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Gen Med Taubman 3B Pro $ 42,666.26 $ 0.00
Mischloney, Donna Jean Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Canton Health Center Core $ 42,616.34 $ 0.00
Mottram, Lynn E Licensed Practical Nurse UMH East Aahc Gen Ped - Prof $ 42,411.98 $ 0.00
Hill, Julie Kaye Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Ypsi Hc - Core $ 42,287.44 $ 0.00
Tolstyka, Ruth H Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Vascular Access Team $ 42,213.86 $ 0.00
Dexter, Connie Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Gen Surg Clin Support $ 42,015.22 $ 0.00
Gardner, Robin Dale Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Howell - Pediatrics $ 41,802.54 $ 0.00
Mabry, Alecia C Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Vascular Access Team $ 41,555.80 $ 0.00
Dobbs-Hensley, Cherri Ann Licensed Practical Nurse UMH 4A Neuro-Neurosurg $ 41,321.02 $ 0.00
Kato, Sheila G Licensed Practical Nurse UMH Gen Med Taubman 3B Pro $ 41,153.58 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 4

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