List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: library 38
Maximum Salary:$ 56,076.46
Average Salary:$ 30,914.51
Minimum Salary:$ 21,135.66

2003-04 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Treece, Gail A LIBRARY LEGAL MAT SPEC II Law Library $ 56,076.46 $ 56,076.46
Fichter, Diane E LIBRARY LEGAL MAT SPEC II Law Library $ 49,687.58 $ 49,687.58
Handley, Jane Kaye LIBRARY LEGAL MAT SPEC II Law Library $ 49,621.44 $ 49,621.44
Williams, Heidi M LIBRARY LEGAL MAT SPEC II Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 46,640.00 $ 0.00
Lawther, Diane D LIBRARY LEGAL MAT SPEC I Law Library $ 39,702.85 $ 39,702.85
Fremuth, Julie A LIBRARY ASSISTANT II Clements Library $ 36,160.02 $ 18,080.14
Baiz, Luis V LIBRARY SUPERVISOR II BUS SCH Kresge Library $ 35,160.00 $ 35,160.00
Gong, Tao Shi LIBRARY SUPERVISOR II BUS SCH Kresge Library $ 33,120.00 $ 33,120.00
Reamy, Laura Stevens LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST II Law Library $ 32,188.00 $ 32,188.00
Whelan, Rosemary A LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST II Law Library $ 32,188.00 $ 32,188.00
Dyer, Marlene C LIBRARY ASSISTANT IV Transportation Research Inst. $ 31,928.00 $ 15,964.08
Hyde, Damien G LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST II Law Library $ 31,925.66 $ 31,925.66
Tennant, Deborah M LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST II Law Library $ 31,894.72 $ 31,894.72
Calhoun, Elizabeth G LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST II Law Library $ 30,965.48 $ 30,965.48
Brubacher, Laura M LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST II Law Library $ 30,430.40 $ 30,430.40
Benson, Donna L LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST I Law Library $ 29,466.32 $ 29,466.32
Quirk, Dorothy J LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST II Law Library $ 29,036.02 $ 29,036.02
Xu, Dong Hong LIBRARY ASSISTANT III BUS SCH Kresge Library $ 28,440.10 $ 28,440.10
Perez, Daniel Edward LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST I Law Library $ 28,292.68 $ 28,292.68
Zeff, Sandra R LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST II Law Library $ 28,121.60 $ 28,121.60
Champagne, Matthew D LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST II Law Library $ 28,121.60 $ 28,121.60
Thach, Anh Ngoc LIBRARY ASSISTANT IV Flint Library $ 27,841.58 $ 27,841.58
Dinatale, Nicole Virginia LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST II Law Library $ 27,793.74 $ 27,793.74
Griffin, Amy M LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST II Law Library $ 27,638.00 $ 27,638.00
Hoyt, Kellie LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST II Law Library $ 27,579.50 $ 27,579.50
Daniel, Laura A LIBRARY ASSISTANT II Clements Library $ 27,531.92 $ 24,090.30
Bailey, Christopher LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST I Law Library $ 27,118.78 $ 16,271.32
Baker-McDaniel, Jill Marie LIBRARY LEGAL MAT ASST II Law Library $ 26,984.36 $ 26,984.36
Bavery, Darcy Ann LIBRARY SUPERVISOR I Career Planning and Placement $ 26,976.56 $ 26,976.56
Quade, Addie L LIBRARY ASSISTANT IV Flint Library $ 25,096.24 $ 25,096.24
Page: 1 of 2

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